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[A/N: Please read this....it is not a long rant like last time😉

Just I was working on the chapter I promised, I realised that I had a  finished, unpublished chapter in my archives this whole time.

So this is in actual fact the last Nejiten chapter....for those of you who were confused about the random ending.

I decided to post both chapters as an apology. For those of you who were hoping for sasusaku...



The world around me grew hazy as consciousness slipped from my grasp. I stretched out my arm in desperation as I saw Tenten's boots  walking away further and further into the distance.

I couldn’t help myself then, in that very moment I said the words. Or at least I attempted to.

Those words I had been bottling up for years now, burst like water from a cracked dam wall.

The last thing I saw before my eyes closed was Tenten's pitying face; before something hit the back of my head. Not even the power of youth or love could protect me from the lull of sleep.

Although I wasn’t fatally injured, I might as well have been dying…
She had heard me, and had rejected me without even breathing a single word.

I had loved her for years, a great many years… Loved her fiercely and passionately; albeit secretly.

It struck me then, that she had smiled when she was with him. I thought back to the last time I had seen her smile  so carelessly.


Ignoring the burn in my arms and the blood running down my raw knuckles I continued to train.

One. Two.

One. Two. Turn kick.


The repetitions were as natural as breathing.

For me training was a steady rhythm, a calming melody even, and once immersed in it, the pain was  barely noticeable.

I  continued to train, urging my mind to forget about the events to come. New waves of sweat began to build on my forehead. Falling down as my body jerked with movement. 

I stopped abruptly, not even bothering to finish what would have been my 184th repetition.

Whether it was the sound of heavy footsteps approaching or the fact that my wooden practise pole had finally collapsed into a pile of splinters beneath me, that caused me to stop I didn’t know.

I turned around, sweeping my fingers through hair.  I grunted…irritated that now that it was cut short I could no longer run my fingers through it

Though the military regulations for us common folk gave me an excuse to cut my hair in the same style as Guy-sensei's. even Tenten-chan couldn’t berate me for copying my idol seeing that I had a valid reason.

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