Chapter 2: Training Begins

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  A year has gone by since the death of my parents, I've managed alright for my age. I work at the market as my day job, and after work I train in the Dojo. Ever since I joined the official ninja training class, known as the "Lily Warriors." I've been constantly training under the influence of Rielyn Sen, taking notes  on everything. 

  But before we would start training, we would need to pass a paper test. Over 50 kids entered the exams, but only 25% make. I was lucky enough to be part of that 25% of kids.

 On the first day of training, we were assigned a partner. We were told that it would teach us cooperation, but most importantly showing that two is better than one.

  "Today is the day each of you will be given your fighting partner. I will call each of your names and you must group, your partner can't be changed." said Rielyn Sen. They began to call names for about 5 minutes, then it happened. "Sinna Laytu and Komo Minno, please group at the door of the classroom."

 I began to get up from my seat and head to the door. As I walked anxiously to the door, I could only see the back of the head of him. I thought to myself "who is this Komo fellow and why does he's name seem familiar?" When I finally arrived he had turned and we made eye-contact, the world froze around me for a split second. Only hearing the faint sound of the Rielyn grouping.

   "Nice to meet you Sinna, my name is Komo." He said offering a handshake. "You too," I replied as I shook his hand. His black messy hair and yellow eyes seemed all too familiar, but from where?

"Each of you will be given 5 minutes to get to know each other, then we will start with the first lesson of the day." said Rielyn to the class. Komo took 2 chairs and put them in front of each other. I sat on one and he sat on he other, he then asked "should I start or you?" "You can go, mine is short." He gave me a puzzled look but proceeded to tell his story.

  "I live with my parents and younger sister, my father owns a weapon shop and I work with him. My given weapon was a throwing star that my father crafted, since he couldn't become a ninja for personal reasons." As Komo told me about his family, I could tell he wanted to also do his best to become a ninja, like me.

  "Well, I told you my story and now lets hear about your  'short' story." he said as he awaited my life story, tho I didn't want to tell him such personal story. "I live alone in a apartment, I work in at a farmers market and I was given a kunai." I said quickly to avoid any back round story telling.

  "You weren't kidding when you said short." he said with a smirk. "I just don't have to share every personal detail, but any way thats off topic we still have 2 minutes left" I said. "Mind if I ask you one question?" he said in a calm voice, "how did you do on the exam?" "I passed with a score of 98.77%" I replied with no sense of pride. "You do realize that, that high of a score is impossible." he said sounding a bit serious.

   "No I had no idea." I replied sound a bit concerned. "Did you cheat?" he said more serious. "What? No, of course not why woul--" "Maybe your a liar as well." he said interrupting me. The bad was thing was that I easily get angry. "Whats your deal man? What do I have to do to show you I'm not who you say I am, I'll retake that test to show you!" I said with anger that built up more and more. "No thats too easy, I say we fight, after class. If you win your not a cheater, but if I win...I'll report you." he said with great seriousness. "Your on!" I replied letting my anger get the best of me.

  After Komo had challenged me, the rest of the day consisted with our lesson. The way we were taught in the Lily Warriors was were shown one move/trick they must learn within 2 days. That is why the exam was so hard to pass, today we had to learn how to throw knives and hit the target. First we were shown a demonstration and a tip, for we are to learn how to master it by ourselves.

  We were each given a station with a practice target and practiced for the remainder of the class. I took my throwing knives and began to practice and noticed that Komo seemed to be a natural at it. As I threw my knives and missed, I remembered he said he was given a throwing star.

    Which meant he had practiced, I continued to miss the target and just grew more angry. Time had gone by slow, and all I could think about was the upcoming fight against Komo. Class had ended and I made my way to the Dojo, as I entered the room Komo greeted me. "Lets do this." he said with determination.


  Author's note: I hope you all are enjoying this book just as much I am, each chapter will have at least 1,000 words so its long enough. It takes me a few days to get a chapter done but the next chapter will take awhile to be put up since this week I'll have a lot on my plate. Please let me know if I'm doing good so far for my first story and also Happy 4th of July/Independence Day!

P.S. next chap might not be up till next week but ill try and don't be shy to vote or comment :)

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