i m b a c k ;)

758 26 7

Sorry, i can't write smut :(( yet ;)

Oh and do ya'll know Triple H? There's gonna be something like that in this story :)


As soon as the meal time ended, the rest of the boys went to the living room while Y/n and Jin wash the dishes.

"Are you uncomfortable of us being your boyfriends?" Jin started. Y/n remained in silence. Not knowing what to answer. The truth is, she was fine of being their girlfriend but she was too occupied of what happened earlier by the stairs.

Jin noticed Y/n was staring off to space so he decided to call her. "Y/n?"

"Ah, yes?" She now answered.

"Are you uncomfortable of us—you know, being your boyfriends?" He asked.

Y/n quickly shook your head. "You know, when I was a kid, always wondered what would happened if I had like 2 boyfriends. Now I have seven, what difference would it make?" Y/n explained. Jin chuckled and looked at her.

"Just tell us if you want to stop it. I never really wanted us to share you. I want you all by myself but I have to think of the members too—as their oldest brother. Then suddenly Jimin came up with the craziest idea then yeah....this happened." You smiled. You removed your gloves and gently placed them by the sink.

You faced him slowly and wrapped your arms around his neck. You stared unto his eyes and smiled.

"You have me. And you'll always will." You said. [A/N:FUCK THIS IS CRINGY but gooodd ;) ]

You closed your eyes and gave Jin a peck on the lips. He wrapped his arms around you.

"Thank you, Y/n. Thank you." He said and hugged you. He placed his face on the crook of your neck as you rub your hands behind his back.

"We just gotta be careful of the media, ok? It's fine to let them know we're close and good friends."

Jin nodded without looking at her. Y/n felt warmth in the hug that made it really addicting. She never wanted to let go but they gotta finished the dishes.


They all went back to Seoul. They all went back to their homes and took a quick rest.

Y/n was pressing the right pins for her apartment door to open when she heard the door of her neighbor open.

She looked back and saw him—ready to go out. When he saw you. He said, "Hug?"

He opened his arms and you ran towards it.

"Oh, Bo Gum-ssi? Going out I guess?" You asked. Bo Gum just nodded and looked at you

"Yeah, I'm going to London for a quick break. Want anything?" He asked. He was not just a neighbor, he was like a brother and your closest friend.

"Oh nothing." You said and separated from his grasp. "But be safe." You said. He ruffled you hair and nodded.

"Of course." He said. You and Bo Gum bid your goodbyes as he left. You went inside your apartment.

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