s a n c t u a r y 1

502 19 4

The sun came and you rose up from your bed. Looking at the wall clock, it's already 6:30 in the morning.

Swinging your legs to the side of the bed, you faced your bedside table and grabbed your glasses.

Yawning, you made your way to your bathroom and was surprised that your dog was actually pooping in the toilet.

You laughed at the idea and left the bathroom to give your dog his private time.

Heading to your balcony, you opened the glass doors and felt the cold breezy air of a December morning.


You're infront of the wildlife sanctuary. The boys told you to meet them there and you're currently waiting for them.

Their van arrived a couple of minutes and they all jumped out of it, running towards you.

The shooting began while they were in the car the production team decided to include the way Bangtan ran to you because they thought it was cute—specially with Jimin's squeaky toy sound effects.

The boys asked how you were and if you slept good last night. You managed to nod at all their questions but they stopped asking when the production team said they would start preparing for stuff.

"You look nice today, Y/n." Jimin complemented.

  (You're wearing something like this but imagine it's a white tank top and the jacket was wrapped around your waist)

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(You're wearing something like this but imagine it's a white tank top and the jacket was wrapped around your waist)

"Sexy too.." Yoongi said while checking you out. The boys and you laughed at him as Yoongi shook his head.

"Wanna see something cool?" You asked them. The boys nodded.

You signaled your hand and a man came out of the cage holding a chain that's collared to a lion.

The boys screamed and ran away. You couldn't help but laugh at them.

The man came closer to you and the lion started sniffing you. "Thanks Ivan."

Ivan shook his head and gave you the chains.

"How's my big boy, huh? Have they been feeding you well?" You said while scratching the lion. The lion was satisfied at your affection and decided to lay on it's back.

You went over her and sat on his stomach while petting his mane. The production team were rather surprised at the sudden affection of the lion towards you.

Bangtan hid behind the production team. You looked at them and laughed at how they looked.

"Nah, he won't bite!" You assured. The boys didn't believe you until you rolled your eyes and called for one of the production men.

The man neared you and was scared for his dear life. You grin and yanked his arm towards the lion's mane.

The man was now touching the mane and the lion was surprisingly calm. The lion liked the hands touching him.

"Wow." The man said.

Bangtan neared the two of you and started petting the lion. The lion purred at the sudden number of hands touching him.

"Why is he so friendly, Y/n?" Taehyung asked.

"He really isn't like one of the male lions. He was a lonely one. He liked the attention of humans instead of female lions. As his owner, I give him all the attention he needs." You explained

"WhaLion 52?" Jin said and started laughing and Jimin laughed with him at the sudden dad joke.

The lion was as sleep just before any of the production team can take pictures. You apologized and told them to take pictures later since the lion doesn't want anything disturbing it's sleep

You told the boys to slowly get off the lion and they did as followed. "Come on now boy, let's go back."

The lion lazily opened its eyes and decided to follow you back to the cage. You entered the cage with the lion and bended down to remove his collar.

"Have you been crying, huh big boy? I'm sorry if I couldn't hear you and I couldn't give you affection the last few weeks. Ma was just a little busy." You said and kissed the lion on his nose. The lion had a tear run down it's face and you wiped it away.

The lion's been with you since you were 10. You and the lion grew up together and you treated him as a son. In a lion kind.

Seeing your lion cry mad you cry to. You felt a tear run down your cheek as you chuckled and shook your head.

Because even if I cry, no one would know
..that's what the lion was feeling. You felt what the lion was feeling and couldn't avoid to tear up again.

Being reincarnated or being someone who was given another chance to live made you understand those who are around you, even if it was animals. That's why your were able to somehow like, talk to them too.

You gave him one last pet on his favorite spot which is behind his ears befroe leaving.

"I'll see you later, big guy."


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