⌜ four ⌟

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❝what?❞ mark hoped that he heard wrong

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what?❞ mark hoped that he heard wrong

who are you?❞ donghyuck tilted his head, giving mark an innocent look ❝oh wait! you are the vice president!

mark just stood there, trying to calm himself down. he didn't know what to do, how is it possible that it's only him that knows about going back to 13 years ago.

or maybe getting married with donghyuck and having a child with him was just a dream.

part of him didn't want to accept that it was a dream.

so, why did you drag me here?❞ donghyuck smiled ❝are you here to greet me a happy birthday?❞ he laughed

mark rubbed his nape and laughed awkwardly ❝y-yeah happy b-birthday.

the younger punched him in the arm playfully ❝you could've just told me a while ago. anyways thank you.

mark stayed silent and donghyuck's laugh filled the place.

why is it that it's only him that knows about this? was everything, from getting married with donghyuck and having a child with him, just a dream? but if it was then how does he know what will happen next?

or maybe this is just a dream. he'll wake up the next day at the sofa with donghyuck cooking at the kitchen.


the two turned to their side to find out who owns the familiar voice.

donghyuck waved at the tall guy ❝yukhei~❞ he then turned to mark gave him a wide smile ❝i'll get going then.

the older just nodded, not able to do anything. he watched donghyuck run towards yukhei and the both of them disappeared, leaving him there.


where did you go?❞ chenle pouted

donghyuck took a slice from his cake and ate it ❝at the back of the building.

jaemin gave him a teasing look ❝together with the vice pres?

yukhei, who was jealous, rolled his eyes ❝donghyuck was forced to go there. not like he wanted to, you saw mark pulling him away right?

jaemin laughed and stuffed yukhei's mouth with cake ❝you are talkative when you're jealous.

chenle took a bite at the cake ❝isn't he always?

donghyuck giggled and held yukhei's hand ❝cute.

the older's cheeks turned red, causing him to look away ❝stop.

jaemin and chenle looked at them, giving the both a face.

you two are making us look bad for being single.❞ jaemin clicked his tongue

chenle just shrugged it off and continued eating the cake ❝i'm too young for love anyways.

the two giggled at them. yukhei took a small piece of cake and raised it in front of donghyuck using his fork.

say ah~

donghyuck, being playful, shook his head cutely ❝no.

ok then.❞ yukhei shrugged and was about to eat the piece of cake but something greeted his lips, it wasn't a cake but it was donghyuck's lips.

chenle and jaemin acted as if they were vomiting as they saw them kissing.

donghyuck pulled away, showing a smile, then ate the piece of cake still on the fork yukhei was holding.

why find a boyfriend? we will all die anyways.❞ jaemin sulked and ate another piece of cake

chenle nodded ❝i strongly agree.


donghyuck hopped his way to his house happily. today was great, not just because it was his birthday but also because he passed all the quizzes he took.

he hoped everything will also go well in the up coming days.

to busy smiling and being happy about his day, he didn't notice a baby running towards his way. making them bump each other in the end.

i'm sor—

the baby cried, making donghyuck crouch down in panic.

sshh don't cry please.❞ he cupped the baby's face and wiped the tears using his thumb. ❝do you like lollipops?

the baby's cry died down and looked at donghyuck ❝but papa told me not to accept food from strangers.

donghyuck giggled at how cute the kid was and pinched his cheeks ❝i'm donghyuck! nice to meet you.

the baby smiled. ❝i'm chiro!

donghyuck frowned but then went back to smiling seconds after. ❝so i'm not a stranger anymore.❞ he took out a lollipop from his pocket and gave it to the kid ❝here.

the baby took it and just in time someone came, making the baby jump in happiness.

papa!❞ he ran towards the guy and hugged his legs making the father bend down to carry him.

the father mouthed a thank you to donghyuck and left after giving him a smile. donghyuck found the family cute as he watched them walk away.

he took a deep breath and continued walking, now having a frown on his face.

i miss chan.

t b c

once again┃markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now