Chapter Fifteen: A Helping Hand

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Andy/Prophet's POV
"Prophet, how do we get back to the Diner?"

"I don't know, we just have to hurry back before the others are attacked," I told them, "I think we should find out what Zone we're in so we can go from there."

Deviant stepped in front of me, "Proph, I think you forget that I have super speed, I think I can search in half the time. I just need you guys to run straight ahead while I see where we can find some Killjoys."

I nodded, "Hurry Sky Dragon, the rip-off Fabulous Five are counting on you."

He laughed, "Just go now before we all get killed."

He was gone in a flash, leaving a cloud of dust in his place.

We ran in the direction he told us for about 45 minutes until we saw him again.

We rested by a boulder that CC terraformed into a small shelter to shield us from the sun.

I heard a rumbling and peeked out and saw a colorful van., I heard in my head.

Deviant? I called, Is that you?

Wild Ones, where are y'all?

I jumped out from the shade and waved my arms frantically.

"It's Deviant," I told the others.

The others joined me and soon, the van screeched to a halt. The door slid open and Deviant shooed us in.

I glanced at our driver and saw a dude in a crop top, polka dot leggings and a thong? He was wearing a helmet and I saw some roller blades in the passenger seat.

"You're a Killjoy." I noted.

He nodded, "Yup, Show Pony's the name. Now hold on tight while I get us to the Fab Four's Diner."

He slammed his foot on the gas pedal, causing Mourner—who hadn't even sat down yet—to fall forwards onto the floor. We all laughed.

"So, you know the Fabulous Four?" He asked.

"Yeah, but it's a long and complicated story though," said Destroyer.

A few minutes passed and we found ourselves at a small colored shack with a radio tower.

"Welcome to Zone 5 boys, we can rest here for a while and I can ask the Doc to send a message for you."

We got out of the van and went inside. It was a small space, not ideal for this many people, so we were very cautious with our steps, trying not to break anything. We went into a room, hidden by a loose wooden board nailed to the wall.

It was filled with radio transmitters, cd and record players, and in the middle of it all, an older man in a wheelchair.

"Doc, I came back and with company too. These are the Killjoys that are assisting with the Shadows."

"Welcome, my displaced friends, to where all the magic happens in this burning desert land. I am Doctor Death Defying, the voice in the static airwaves assisting my fellow Killjoys. And who might you be?"

Deviant stepped forward, "We're the Wild Ones. But here, we're Sky Dragon, Night Leader, Flame Witch, Spirit Eyes and Desert Destroya."

"You're the ones who were gonna be executed today!" Show Pony pointed out.

"We need to send a message to the Fabulous Four and warn them about LightMind. It's a long story but we don't have the time. We just need to get there in time."

"Don't worry, after Dr Death sends the message I'll take you five there."

The Doc nodded and switched on the transmitter.

~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~
Gerard/Party's POV
We watched the shadowy Killjoys when the radio turned to static.

A while ago, the last message was the sound of Prophet being electrocuted. But a familiar voice and a comforting phrase was heard throughout the Diner.

"Look alive sunshine! 109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit, you're here with me, Dr Death Defying. My desert rebels, we got some traffic for you. We got word that 5 Killjoys are looking for some static on the Fab Four. They almost bit the dust out here on Route Guano and want to send some words. Poison, you got company."

Shit. Usually that meant something's gonna happen.

"The Wild Ones escaped! Good job Siren!" Cried Jet.

"Thanks. But, wouldn't that mean that the guys are in Zone 5?"

"Probably, but we need to hold our ground here, especially after that message. Hopefully Show can bring them home."

Something fell over and I turned and saw the now-ash covered bodies of Red, Queen, Toxic, Mercy and Star.

"Siren, I thought you killed the program," stated Fun, grabbing his gun.

"I did, but I don't know what happened."

I stuck my hand into my pocket and pulled out Prophet's rosary.

"Guys, the Mystic said that the ash was still unpredictable. This is probably what's happening. Where's your charms?"

I went up to Star and pressed the charm onto his skin, he moved erratically as if it was burning him.

"I think Mourner put them in the kitchen," Jet took off to retrieve them.

Kobra grabbed some string and tied the charms together once Jet came back and we placed them on the Killjoys. We also gagged them because we couldn't hear ourselves think with their screaming.

We heard engines in the distance and our blood ran cold as we prepared for a fight.

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