Chapter Eighteen: Return From The Shadows

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Jinxx/Mystic's POV
"Will this work?" Asked Siren, a little skeptic.

"Probably, but could you get everyone in here?"

She nodded and left.

I thought about the possible aftermath of this and frankly it was a bit terrifying. The Wild Ones could be controlled.  Prophet is tied to the Psyche and I'm the only one who can save the others if we do get controlled. It was a headache to make a decision. Someone would have to volunteer.

"Mystic? Did you need anything?"

I turned and met my brothers' eyes. I explained my theory of a method to remove the ash and the costs of doing so.

"Is this really the only thing we could try? We're all important to the Legion."

"I know, but this is just to test my theory."

"I'll do it," Jake walked up to me.

I nodded and tied him to a seat.

"You might need this," Gerard placed something on Jake's neck.

"How do you have my rosary?" Andy asked.

"Uhh, I took it off you when we first met at that abandoned gas station. I've just been forgetting to give it back."

He nodded.

I pulled two small purple stones out of my pocket and put them in both hands.

I placed one hand over Star's heart and the other on Jake's.

"Ya know, I can probably tolerate the ash a bit more than the others since my power is the closest to controlling ash," he joked half-heartedly.

I closed my eyes and focused my power. I could feel the ash and I used my magic to draw the ash out of Victor's body and into Jake's.

Jake made a noise as if he'd been burned but I kept going.

Moments later, I felt the ash settle and removed my hands.

"Is he okay?" Asked Gerard.

I glanced over at Jake and saw him unconscious.

"He's just recovering from the Shadow ash."

"Where the hell am I?"

We all turned and saw Victor open his eyes, taking in his surroundings.

"We had to evacuate the Diner cause we got ambushed. We're at 'Drea and Riley's place."

He nodded, "I'm not pressing for details since it seems like a lot happened."

"It wasn't too bad," Jake said weakly, opening his eyes and squinting at the change in lighting.

"Hey! You're back!" Exclaimed Ash, relieved.

He smiled and began coughing violently. He placed his hand over his mouth but when he removed it, we could all see small black spots.


"I'm fine. It worked, now let's do the others," he mumbled.

I repeated the process with the other Shadowed Killjoys and soon enough, everyone was okay. Their barcodes no longer glowing, but still marked with ash.

I looked at Jake's hands and saw his fingertips were a darker shade. The same would happen to us, the process was just much slower.

I repeated this revelation with the Wild Ones telepathically and I met their eyes.

Party, Jet, Fun, Kobra, and Siren caught up the other Killjoys on introductions, names and events that took place while they were out. Turns out, they don't remember much except having their vision clouded over.

The rest of the Wild Ones and myself were worn out from the ash. Hopefully, this wasn't a mistake.

We focused on using this time to give everyone the chance to recover.

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