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I put a video on the side so you can listen to it while reading:)


Oh, and I totally cry making this chapter lol

I really suggest you guys to listen to this song while you're reading it, trust me! It's soo much better

Chapter eight


I was stopped with loud sobs coming from inside of the house.

More likely, Harry's sobs.

And I heard loud banging coming from inside the house.

Without a doubt, I rush in the house to find break down Harry smashing plates to the ground.

Harry stop!

He turned around and cried more when he sees me.

He sprint to me and hugged me.

I was a bit taken back with what he did, but I hug him back anyways.

Is everything okay?

He shook his head no to the crook of my head.

Harry, what's going on, you know you can tell me anything.

Too bad the iTalk can't make a comforting sound.

"I miss her Em, fuck, I miss her so much,"

He cried more and I pat his back while the familiar stinging on my chest came back.

Let's sit down first, okay?

He nods and we walked to his couch.

After he sits down, I walked to his door and close it.

He cups his face with both of his hands while crying.

What's bothering you Harry?

He mumbles to his hands, but I can't make the words.

What? Harry you need to speak more clearly.


I bit my bottom lip as the stinging on my chest became more painful.

He puts his elbow to his knees while crying silently.

I pat his back and hearing the sound of his silent cries.

I walked to his dining table and get the box of tissues, and walk back to the couch.

I carefully took his hands of his face and wipe his tears.

He smiled at me weakly before wiping his tears on his own.

"I'm sorry I asked you to come here,"

No, no, it's okay.

"I just love her so much, you know? She's been my best friend for thirteen years, thirteen fucking years! And how come she just leaves me like that?"

I stay in silence.

"We grew up together, and each and everyday past, my feelings for her grew fucking more! Why did she have to die that... that night?"

It's okay not to be okay for once in a while.

I repeat the words he once told me.

He looked at me and smiled.

"I'm such a pussy huh? Crying over a girl?"

No, you're not. Don't say that.

He exhales and he lays his back on the couch while closing his eyes.

"I'm sorry I let everything out on you,"

It's okay. I don't mind.

"She just meant everything to me, I love her so much, you know?"

I nod, even though I never feel what's it like to fall in love.

"And that night, when I got the call, I completely broke down,"

If you don't mind telling me, what exactly is 'that night'?

He shook his head and sniffle.

"I'm sorry I can't,"

I nod.

"She just never had the idea of me falling for her, I mean, it was so obvious,"

He rub his temples frustatingly.

"We always spent time together, and whenever I'm sad, she's always there for me,"

I would always want to know the feeling of loyalty.

Someday Em.

My thoughts answer me.

"She is just... This bundle of joy, you know? You always want to hug her,"

And in the middle of nowhere, my stomach made a dying whale sound.

He raise one of his eyebrows at me.

I looked down to my lap, blushing shyly, before he burst out in to laughter.


I nod excitingly and he laughs more.


"We would always eat pizza on Friday nights. We never liked those sick parties where you get drunk all the time, just us, watching bunch of movies, with three boxes of pizza," he explains.

I took a bite from the heavenly slice shutting my eyes close, enjoying the fireworks in my mouth.

Weird, I know.

But I know my food, what can I say?

"She sometimes wipe the sauce off my face, and I grin widely at her while she rolls her eyes playfully,"

It's cute when Harry remembers all those cute things about her, all though the stinging still hasn't left my chest.

"God, all the memories I have with her, I fucking miss her,"

What's she like?

He smirks.

"She is funny, amazing talented, beautiful, have a good taste of music, good sense of humor, loyal, comforting, I could go on and on straight for hours," he shrugs.

Hey what time is it?

"It's ten twenty, why?"

I should probably go home, it's getting late.

I pick up my purse and another slice of pizza before heading to the door.

"Hey Emma,"

I turned around.

"Be ready tomorrow at twelve,"


Hey guys i hope you like this chapter! I know that i have been randomly posting so I decided to make a update day!

I will (hopefully) update every friday and sunday and for the new fanfiction "2057" it will (hopefully) be every thursday and saturday.

If I can't update that day it's not because that I skip it but the school year just started and I need to get on my A game so I do hope you udersand!

Xx, D.

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