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I put a video on the side so you can listen to it while reading:)


Chapter ten


“Yeah I really miss her now, I can’t believe after all these years, I’m still falling for the girl I met at the pet shop.” He smirked.

I can tell that he is blinking some tears away as I hug him.

Harry we should probably go, it looks like its about to rain,


He looks up at the now dark grey sky and nod.

After folding up the blanket, he puts it inside the basket.

We walked to the car in silence.

I wonder what’s it like to be Crystal.

Having such loving and caring best friend.

Being loved by everyone in school.

Being an easy and outgoing person.

Makes everybody laughs.

Can comfort people with so many different ways.

Harry also told me that he and Crystal likes to hang out at Harry’s house, while singing to a song.

Crystal would play the guitar or the piano, and they would duet together.

Harry told me that Crystal could play almost every instrument except bagpipe.

He tells me that Crystal chooses chocolate over vanilla, sweets over savory, coffee over tea, and many more.

He says Crystal likes milk and sugar in her coffee.

Crystal also likes dipping her pizza to some ketchup.

She also prefers raisin cookies, over chocolate chip cookies.

Scones, over biscuits.

Painting, over drawing.

Texting, over writing.

Listening, over reading.

And just so many more.

It’s amazing how Harry can remember such little things from her.

He must have love her so much.

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