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I put a video on the side so you can listen to it while reading:)


Chapter four


I rose one of my eyebrows at him after I read what he wrote.

Running away?

He nods.

“I mean, your shoulder looked so tensed and you kept pursing your lips in a straight line, it’s okay to be moody for a little while,”

I was shock with the choice of words he uses.

How come he knew such little things?

I mean, I don’t realize I was doing it until he reminds me.

Im not running away from anything. I usually come here everyday to enjoy the fresh air.


He read it and smirked.

“Are you sure?”

I nodded.

“It’s okay to not be okay for once in a while,”

He smiled.

Do you often go to this park?

He shook his head no.

“Used to go here all the time when I was a kid, but after my mum and dad pass away, my aunt took care of me till I was about eighteen, but then I decided to just live on my own,” he shrugged.

“Found this park a couple days ago, thought it was gone,”

Where were you originally from?


“Cheshire, born and raised,”

He smiled.

“So, what about you?”

I looked at him and he smirked.

“You know, where were you from?”


Oh, Im from Birmingham, but we moved here when I was about twelve.


Oh, college girl, eh?”

I shook my head no and smiled.

Well, my mum and dad met at the university, and theyve been together ever since.

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