chapter 13

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I stood by my closet thinking of what to wear to Disney today. I wanted to look nice but also wanted to be comfy since we would be walking around all day. I finally decided on red high-waisted shorts with a white crop top and white converse. I put loose curls in my hair and put on my minnie mouse ears headband. After finishing my makeup i was ready. Carter was still sleeping so i decided to wake him up.

"Come on Carter were going to Disney today" i said shaking him and he groaned.  "I dont wanna go" he mummbled. "come on everyones going you cant just sit around all day" i whined. "fine" he huffed and threw his  blankets to side. I sat on the couch and played on my phone waiting for him to get ready. 

"alright im ready" he said placing a snapback on his head. "finally" i mummbled and he rolled his eyes. "everyone is already there so were gonna meet them at the main gates" i said. "kay were taking my car" he said grabbing his keys from the hook. "why does it matter we have the same car" i said. "because i want to drive" he said. I hate when he drives, he drives like a maniac.

"Carter slow fuck down!" i said tightening my seatbelt. Were in a 40 mph zone and this bitch is pushing 85. He has his music blasting and is swerving in and out of lanes. I hope he gets a ticket.

Finally we arrive there without getting pulled over or crashing. I got out if the car and glared at him. "im driving on the way home" i said, he chuckled and shook his head before walking towards the gates. Everyoneone was there and i greeted them all with hugs and made sure to hug Taylor longer. Im pretty sure Carter noticed because he was glaring at him.

We paid to get in started walking around. "lets get henna tattoo's" Melanie suggested. "yeah!" i said excitedly and ran towards the booth and started lookibg at different henna's. "i dont know what to get" i said. "you should get my name" Taylor said and i turned to look at him abd he winked at me. "ill get your name if you get mine" i said. "deal" he smirked and sat down on a stool infront of the lady worker.

"can i get 'Kylie' with hearts all around it?" he asked and she nodded and drew a stencil for it. "is this good?" she asked and he nodded. She started on his henna and told another worker what i wanted. "can i get 'Taylor' with a stick figure of a  person twerking?" i asked and she laughed. "of course" she smiled and drew a stencil. "like this?" she asked and i grinned and nodded. "where do you want it?" she asked as she got eveything ready. "on my right hip" i said showing her exactly where and she nodded.

"Alright its all done" she said 5 minutes later and i looked at it and laughed. "thanks i love it" i smiled and paid her. "okay so you can shower with it and everything and in about 2 or 3 weeks its gonna start to fade and then just completely wash away" she said and i nodded. "thankyou" i smiled and went over to Alyssa. "what did you get?" i asked and she showed me her hand wich had a bunch of different designs over it.


"and then next thing you know Nash and Cam are grinding on eachother" Shawn said finishing his story about a time when Nash and Cameron were so drunk they were grinding on eachother to the song 'lip gloss'. Everyone started laughing and both of them were blushing. "i was drunk! i didnt even know what i was doing" Nash whined. "aww its ok Nashy boo" i said ruffling his hair and he sighed putting his head on my shoulder hiding his face.

I guess making Carter jealous was working because he was was glaring at Nash. "im done" he mummbled pushing his food away. "you barely ate" Jack G pointed out. "i lost my appetite" he snapped and got up and stormed out of the diner we were in. "whats his problem?" Cam asked and we all shrugged. "oh well more food for me" Matt said and finished Carters leftover food and we all laughed at him.

Once we were done we decided to walk around the park some more. we got in line for the farris wheel and had to go in 4 different carts since theres so many of us. I was sitting on one with Nash, Cam, and Shawn. "we should get going soob we have class tomorrow" Cam said as we stopped at the top. "yeah, do you guys know where Carter went? hes my ride home" i said and they all shook there heads. "ill try calling him" Shawn said reaching for his phone in his pocket.

"i tried three times, hes not answering" he said and i nodded. "you can com back with us" Cam said and i thanked him. When the ride was over we stepped off and joined the others. We all went to seperate cars and made our way back to campus.


"thanks for the ride guys" i said as we walked towards our dorms. "no problem" Cam said. "see ya" i said and went the oppisite was of them to my dorm. When i opened the door i was shocked to see Carter laying on his bed with a girl on top of him and they were making out. When they heard me they pulled apart and looked at me. "sorry to interupt i was just grabbing my charger" i said and unplugged my charger and scurried away.

I opened the door and walked right into a hard chest. "sorry" i mummbled and looked up to see Nash. Thank God. "oh hey Nash" i said stepping out and shutting the door behind me. "what are you doing here?" i asked. "i came to see if Carter made it back since he hasnt answered anybody and to ask if you wanted to go to starbucks" he said. "hes in there and yeah ill go to starbucks with you" i said and he smiled.


i sighed as Nash and i sat down at a table in starbucks with our drinks. "whats up?" he asked, "girl stuff" i mummbled and he put his chin in the palm of his hand and twirled a piece of his hair with the other "Talk to Nashly" he said in a girly voice and i laughed. "ok so you obviously know Carter and i broke up" i said and he nodded taking a sip of his drink.

"well the day after i went to the fair with Taylor.and when we on the ferris wheel he was all like 'Carter doesnt deserve you, you desrve better' then kissed me and i kissed back. Then that night Carter asked if he could explain so i let him and he said the girl was a fan and she kissed him and he admitted to kissing her back and then he was like 'i still like you and wont give up on us'."

"I told Melanie and Alyssa about everytging that happened with Taylor and Carter and they came up with this not so brilliant plan to make Carter jealous by flirting with Taylor and Taylor agreed and there plan worked until it back fired and i walked in on Carter making out with some girl and it was really awkward so i was like 'im just getting my charger' and left and thats when i ran into you" i said and let out a breath.

"hmm sounds like these hoes aint loyal" he said and i started laughing. "that makes no sense in this situation" i said and grinned. "i know" he said and i shook my head. "honestly i think Carter just got mad and thats why he was with that other girl" he said and i sighed. "do you still like him?" he asked and i nodded. "i think you should stop flirting with other guys stay friends with him right now and let him earn your trust back and then get back together" he said. "thanks Nash" i said and hugged him. Nash has become like i big brother to me and im happy hes always there for me. "anytime Ky" he said and kissed my cheek.


hey guys:) i hope you guys liked this chapter.

honestly this story doesnt get enough votes or comments. Im not expecting hundreds of votes or comments but the first couple of chapters have like 200-300 reads and like 7 votes. I might sound greedy but when you guys vote and comment then i know whether or not you like this story. If i dont get votes or comments then i feel like my story isnt good.

If you guys want to see Kylies outfits and pictures from differnt chapter the follow the instagram for this story, its 'kylieandcarter'

Also in this story Kylie is played by Kendall Jenner.

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