chapter 15

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"bye guys" i smiled and waved to Melanie and Alyssa. As i fumbled with the keys to my dorm i noticed a pink piece of paper on the door. I looked at it in cofusion before grabbing it and reading it

'im sorry' is a statement 'i wont do it again'  is a promise 'ill make it up to you' is a responsibility and i promise to make it up to you ~xo Cartaahh

I smiled to myself and put the note in my pocket. He wasnt lying when he said he would try to get me back. I unlocked the door and set my bag on my bed only to find a whole outfit laid out. Aww he bought me an outfit and he definitly knows my style.

I went into the bathroom to find another note "when im with you theres no place id rather be, i hope you like the outfit beautiful xo" I smiled and put the note with the other one and changed into the outfit.

I went back into the living room area and found another note on the Tv. "go to Nash's dorm baby xo"  it read and i was confused but just went along with it. I grabbed my keys and walked down the halway to Nash and Cams dorm. I knocked and Nash answered and grinned at me. "i believe these are for you" he said handing me a dozen red roses. I smiled and thanked him. Attached to the flowers was another note.

"1386  green lane"  Was all ot said. I sat there confused for a moment till i realised he wanted me to go there. I took the elevator down to the ground floor and found my car in the parking lot. I put the adress in my gps and drove off.

When the gps finally told me i reached my destination i was infront of a small bakery. I smiled and got out. I love food. I walked in and the a bell attached to the door dinged. A women who looked about 30 or 40 looked down at a picture in her hands then looked back up and smiled at me "you must be Kylie" she grinned and i nodded smiling at her.

"One second" she said and walked to the back. Seconds later she came back with a tray with neatly decorated cup cakes. When she set them down in front of me i noticed the writing on all of them. "i never got to say this but..."  "But what?" i asked the lady. "youll find out by going next door. Just tell them ur name" she said and i thanked her then put the cupcakes in my car then went to the store next door.

When i walked in i realised i was in a pet store and a huge smile spread across my face. i saw a boy who looked about 18 and had on a uniform so i asumed he worked here so i walked up to him. "um hi im Kylie" I said and he smiled. "stay right here" he said and ran off. "okay..." i said in confusion and looked at all the animals in awe.

"this is for you" he said carrying a golden retriever puppy in his hands and i gasped. "oh my god" i whispered. HE GOT ME A PUPPY!!  He handed the puppy to me and attached to her pink collar was another note

"i love you"  It said and i gasped and covered my mouth. Carter never said he loves me. "ok you only have one more place to go" the boy said and i turned my full attention to him. "theres this hill down the street" he said and i nodded "just go there" he said and i thanked him before walking out of the shop.

I walked up the street with the puply in my hands who i decided to name Vega. As i reached the top of the hill i stopped to take a breathe. I really need to get in shape and stop eating so many donuts. I took a second to look at the view of a beautiful field of flowers.

At the bottom of the hill stood Carter with a cute grin on his face holding a rose and a picnic set up behind him. I giggled at his cuteness and started walking down the hill towards him.

Before i could say anything Carter did. "I love you" he said he said and gripped my hips pulling me closer to him and connected our lips. I brought my free hand up to his face while Vega was settled in my other. I pulled back and smiled at him.

"i love you too"

hey guys sorry i took forever to update. I really dont have and excuse besides the fact iv had school and softball everyday and i ran out of ideas for this chapter. This chapter isnt that good but at least im updating again. Dont forget to vote and comment some ideas. Byee

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