Chapter 3

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"The country of Hungary is located in central Europe. The capital of Hungary is Budapest and it is known for..." Buzzed Dr. Ryerson, Chloe's Geography professor. It was a large, auditorium style lecture hall, and the professor was in the front of the 76 students, standing smack bam in the middle if the room, behind a podium. She talked very quickly, and with such an air of sophistication, one would think she used to be on the debate team, demanding you pay attention to what she is saying, and believe it to the fact (even if it isn't actually true).

"Psst. Chloe. When is lunch? I'm STARVINGGGG," Beca demanded in a stage whisper. "Is this thing over yet? God that lady talks a lot. Is it always like this? Now wonder you're failing maps. I'm bored."

"Beca, you're like three inches away from my ear. You don't need to be that loud," Chloe replied. "Now be quiet. I'm trying to learn."

"But all of this talk about Hungary is making me hungry. And you made us miss lunch, thanks to your unnecessary freak attack. Besides, you're not even taking notes."

"One, I did not have a freak attack, and two; you're always hungry so shut up. Honestly, I'm surprised you're as skinny as you are, for someone who eats as much as you do. Now seriously. Be quiet. You're making people stare at us."

Chloe looked around the room at her peers, some of whom were snickering as they overheard the two girls arguing. She blushed and ducked her head.

"Your face matches your hair Chloe. Your really ought to see yourself. Now. The real question... What kind of name is Ginny Ryerson? Who names their kid Ginny? Oh! I know!" Exclaimed Beca as she answered her own question. "Molly Weasley does! Oh. My. God. Chloe... Are you a Weasley? I mean, you do have red hair and like, magic super powers to make everyone in the room attracted to you.

"Really? Everyone in this room is attracted to me? Does that mean you are too Becs?" Chloe teased, wiggling her eyebrows up and down suggestively.

"Pft. No. I've seen you with a green, nasty face mask on and your retainer in at night. Definitely not sexy." Beca covered quickly.

"Oh Beca. Don't kid yourself. You wish I could be yours. Besides, you're not too bad yourself," Chloe winked as she giggled at Beca's horrified expression, not knowing that was exactly what Beca was thinking.

"Miss Beale, is there something about the Danube river that you fins funny?" Dr. Ryerson's sharp voice cut through the air, suddenly intruding into Chloe's daydream about finally dating Beca.

"No, not at all, I'm sorry ma'am." Chloe apologised, as she kicked Beca in the shin under the table.

"Don't let it happen again. This is your one and only warning, and if I were you, I'd be trying to learn as much as you can because this will be on the test."

"Understood. It won't happen again," said Chloe quickly, as she shot a glare in Beca's direction, as if to say 'this is your fault and I will kill you when class is over.'

"Hey Chlo. Wanna know what I just remembered about the Danube river? There's a classical song that Johann Strauss, wrote about it. But I think he was from Australia."

"That's nice Beca. Speaking of songs, why don't you put on you headphones and mix a song or two for the Bellas. That way, your not bugging me and actually doing something helpful for once."

Beca stared at Chloe, with a slight look of hurt in her eyes, "Are you just using my ability to mix the Bellas a set list? Because if you are, that's a dick move. I know Aubrey wasn't too please with me joining, but I thought you were at least aware I'm worthy of being a Bella. Besides, I'm helpful in other ways too, ans you know it. Like the time you had nodes. And the time you got so hung over from one of the Trebles parties. Who held your hair as you puked, and then dragged your sick ass to bed so you could sleep it off? There are many ways that I show I care. even if I don't straight up sat it. You know I'm no good at words."

"Okay, yes. I'm sorry I implied you were only good for music. But I just think you'd be happier mixing a song, than listening to a lecture on geography, that is totes boring. I'm actually surprised you haven't fallen asleep yet."

"Fine," Beca said and pulled out her laptop. "If that's what you really want..." She struggled to pull out her laptop since Beca is left handed, and that hand was currently locked with Chloe's right one. Eventually she got it out, and slid her Beats headphones over her ears.

After about 5 minutes, Chloe snuck a glance at Beca, who seemed to be absorbed in her mix, and oblivious to everything around her. It seemed to be going well, with Beca softly humming along to the song she was currently working on. Unfortunately for Chloe, as she got more into it, she got louder. Eventually she was singing along under her breath to 'No Diggity' by Blackstreet. Which would be fine, except for when she got to the rap part.

"Cuz that's my peeps and we Row G,

Flyin' first class from New York City to Blackstreet.

What you know about me,

not a motherfuckin' thing."

Chloe started laughing as Beca made random moves in her seat, that looked more like she was getting electrocuted than gangster rap moves. But then...

"Miss Beale, I don't know who that girl is beside you, but neither of you are welcome in this class for the rest of today's lecture. Kindly gather your things and leave the room, as this is a place for learning, not your ridiculous shenanigans."

Chloe didn't know what to do so she just sat there, frozen in place as the people around her reacted to the situation. She then felt a sharp tug and looked down at the cuffs.

"Dude, lets go." Beca urged. "People are staring and that Weasley chick just said to hurry it up so she could keep educating the 'potential geographers of the future'."

Red faced and looking quite upset, she turned to her classmate, Anna. "Hey, do you think..."

"Yeah," Anna replied, "I'll send you the notes. Don't worry about it."

As the girls quickly filed out out of the lecture hall, Beca's voice could clearly be heard echoing through the empty halls. "Dude! We got out thirty minutes early! Can we go get lunch now?"

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