Chapter 4

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"I don't get it. You complain so much about geography and you're failing maps anyway. What's the big deal?" Beca said, as Chloe glared at her fiercely.

"That's not the point, Beca," Chloe shot back angrily. "Just because I hate it, doesn't mean I can't try and get better at it. I really need to do well on this test. Thanks to you, I will probably miss all the questions."

"Whatever dude. Not my fault that Ryerson has a stick up her ass. Hey, she and Aubrey should be friends. They could form an 'I hate Beca Mitchell' club," Beca laughs at her own joke, but quickly stops once Chloe scowled.

"How about you think about it and get back to me. Besides, you never answered my question about going to lunch, and if you don't make up your mind soon, I'm going to go without you."

Chloe nodded her head; secretly glad she didn't gave to be in that lecture hall any longer. She too, was very hungry and knew she tended to over react a bit when she was hangry. Beca beamed, and did a little dance before scurrying off ahead of Chloe, excited at the prospect of food.

Chloe smiled fondly at her best friend, enjoying all of the emotions Beca expressed around her. Beca likes to think herself as a badass with no feelings, but Chloe knows better. Chloe knows she's really the only person Beca let her guard down around.

Chloe knows Beca enough to know what she is feeling, even if she doesn't outright say it. Beca also had really cute facial expressions. For example, her sheepish look as she got in trouble, and her begging face to go to lunch just now almost made Chloe feel guilty for being mad at her, but also made her want to give Beca the world. "I already tried to, but maybe if we date, I can do more," She thought to herself. She was broken out of her train of thought when Beca shouted at her, "Let's go Beale. We're burning daylight, and mama needs her food," as she tugged on Chloe's connected hand. Chloe shrugged and laughed, as she ran after Beca so her arm wouldn't get pulled off. And so with that, Chloe and Beca were headed off on their way to lunch at Stanley's.

Jessica, the owner, started Stanley's, just a few years ago, but it was quickly becoming a popular spot for Barden University students to hangout. Situated close to campus, reasonably priced, and open late, it was perfect for anytime if the day. There was a main dining room, with a combination of booths, tables and high tops, as well as a smaller room in the back with small tables to study and couches to relax on. It also had a patio, for those who like sitting outside to people watch and enjoy the Atlanta weather. Beca and Chloe never did though, because according to Beca, she burns like a vampire in the sun, and watching people go by is creepy as fuck.

Stanley's served a little bit of everything, always made-to-order, which also made it pretty well liked. Even the pickiest people could find something they enjoyed. Their extensive menu had a selection of breakfast items that was served all day. Burgers, salads, sandwiches, wraps and soup, as well as speciality coffee and teas. However, their biggest draw (besides the free high speed WiFi) was their coffee milkshakes. Coffee ice-cream, mixed with cold brew coffee and a splash of milk, flavoured however you wanted it. The milkshake orders matched the personalities of each Bella perfectly. Beca would get the dark chocolate mocha milkshake with an extra shot of espresso; 'black and heartless' just like her soul. In contrast, Chloe got the caramel milkshake with extra whipped cream, sprinkles and a cherry because 'you can't get a milkshake without it, Beca."

The girls were immediately seated in a booth when they walked in, but as they walked past their usual table, Beca remembered something vitally important to her experience at Stanley's. Rosie, their usual waitress, was on maternity leave. Almost as soon as they sat down, a young girl, about 16, walked over to them. Beca and Chloe sat on the same side of the booth with each other. The girl looked briefly surprised at their seating choice, but got over it quickly. She introduced herself as Fritzi, and that she would be taking care of them for the day. Beca raised her eyebrows at the peppy girl, but said nothing. Beca was slightly angry because she did NOT like the change. Especially since Rosie knew her order and all Beca had to do was nod her head when asked if she would like her usual. Beca hated interacting with people, especially over eager people. Fritzi seemed like the type to bend over backwards to get you to like her, but would spit in your food if you made her mad or didn't tip well.

"What can I get started for you girls today?" Fritzi asked, eyes bouncing between Beca and Chloe. "Interested in any appetisers today?"

"No thanks, I think we're ready to just order, if that's okay," Chloe replied.

"Sure thing, go ahead," Fritzi said, taking out her pad and pen with a smile. "Makes my job easier

"I'll have the three cheese pesto panini sandwich and a side salad please," Chloe said.

"And to drink?" Fritzi inquired.

"I'll take a caramel flavoured coffee milkshake."

"For the topping on the milkshake, we have whipped cream, nuts, sprinkles and cherries. Would you like any of those?"

"All of them except the nuts. Oh, and extra whip and sprinkles please." Chloe replied sweetly, as if she didn't already know what optional toppings there were.

Fritzi turned to Beca and asked the same question. Beca just stared at her. Chloe had been less than pleased at Beca, ever since she got them kicked out of Geography, but thankfully was still there to diffuse the tension.

"She'll have a quarter pounder mac and cheese burger with fries, a side of ranch dressing and the dark chocolate mocha coffee milkshake with an extra shot of espresso, no toppings. Oh, and we'll also each take a water too please. Thanks so much," Chloe ordered quickly, as she eyed Beca carefully to see her reaction. When the corners of Beca's mouth turned slightly up, before returning to her poker face, Chloe knew she got it right.

"So, what were you working on when we were in Ryerson's class?" Chloe asked Beca as they waited for their food.

"I was making a mix for the Bellas It's pretty sweet actually. But I think I'll need to change the rap to something more recent, so people know it. Probably from the last 5 years or so."

"Ooh. A rap bit? Well, sounds fun. I can't wait to hear it! It looked like you were working hard on it. In fact, you were so into it, it seems like you forgot where you were..." Chloe said, with a mischievous look on her face. "Hope it's good. It's gotta be worth it, if I get kicked out for it," unable to resist making one last dig at Beca's expense.

"Dude, I'm sorry. It was a dick move, and it won't happen again. Probably. No promises or whatever. But I'll try not to do it, like, on purpose," Beca apologised with a hint of defensiveness to it. Beca truly did feel sorry. She hated it when Chloe was upset, even if it wasn't her fault.

"It's okay Becs," Chloe said softly as she manoeuvred their hands to hold Beca's in hers. "I know how you get. It's kinda cute actually."

Beca blushed as she looked down at their handcuffed hands, but didn't say anything as she thought about how nice Chloe's hand fit in hers. If Beca had her way, she'd never let go. 'Except' She thought, 'I don't really have a choice right now...' But even if she did have a choice, Beca is pretty sure she would still be fine with it. As she stole a glance at Chloe, she smiled at leaned on the redhead's shoulder, enjoying the moment, as the rest of the world seemed to disappear around her.

Then the food came, all the thoughts she had went out of the women as Beca started to devour her food.

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