Chapter 7

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After a hectic evening spent together, complete with some interesting observations from the Bellas at dinner, a rare silence fell over the house. Everyone was in their respective rooms feeling like a child who had been reprimanded by their mother and was grounded as a punishment. Chloe and Beca's movie had finished a while ago, but neither girl made any attempt to change from their comfortable position. In fact, they were quite content to just fall asleep where they were. Which brought them to one last thing to worry about. Bed.

Now, Chloe and Beca were no strangers to sharing a bed, they did share a room after all. Their beds were in the middle of the room, sides separated by a small table between the two. Each girl's closets were on opposite sides of the room, although many of Chloe's outfits found their way on to Beca's side of the closet, because she had countless amounts clothes. Tank tops, flannels and skinny jeans didn't take up much space and Beca wasn't much into accessories, except her ear spikes and the occasional necklace.

Because of this layout, they both had a fair amount of space for their desks and other belongings. Beca's side was mostly filled with her favorite vinyl albums and posters of bands and a variety of musical instruments. Her desk, which was never actually used for doing anything remotely related to school, had her iMac desktop computer set up, along with her turntables and other mixing equipment. Her portable MacBook Pro laptop, was sitting next to it, softly piping out a Spotify Mood playlist called "Your Favorite Coffee House" through her Bluetooth speakers. Chloe's side was somewhat organized, filled with fluffy blankets, stuffed animals, decorative pillows and full of bright colors. The prevailing color was pink, in varying shades of course.

One would think Beca would hate this, but she found that she didn't really care. Chloe's side of the room was basically just an extension of Chloe herself. Clothes were strewn equally around the room, each girl borrowing the others clothes as they pleased, although it was mostly Chloe borrowing Beca's oversized hoodies than Beca daring to put anything pink or glittery on her body.

Chloe and Beca shared everything really so sharing a bed shouldn't be a problem for them, right? They were sharing one right now! But this was slightly different, since they were watching a movie, and not sleeping. Plus, normally weren't handcuffed together. Beca wanted this to be something Chloe wanted and chose to be an active part of, not one that she was unwillingly forced to comply with, due to the circumstances. Chloe on the other hand, was excited for a built in hugging buddy, and just laughed when Beca suggested she could sleep on the floor with her left hand hanging in the air to meet Chloe's on the bed. Usually Beca would have the bedside light on and do her own thing, passing out around 1am, while Chloe slipped on her pink sleep mask and listened to her sound soother.

Eventually, it was not so much decided that they would just fall asleep there than neither wanted to move. As they lay in bed, Beca found herself not wanting to make a mix, and just talk with Chloe. Even though they pretty much knew everything about each other since coming to college, and a bit of random stories from the past, Beca found herself curious about her best friend's childhood. And really, there's really no better way to get to know someone than being handcuffed to them.

"Chlo? Can we talk?" Beca questioned as they lay together on Chloe's bed, spooning in the dark after getting settled in for the night.

"About what? Is everything okay? What's wrong? Is it the cuffs? Am I hurting you?" Chloe rattled off in quick succession, shifting smoothly from their spooning position to lying on her other side to look at her friend.

"No, I'm fine" Beca said hastily. "I just wanted to get to know you."

"You already know me Becs. You know me better than anyone. Probably even more than Aubrey at this point."

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