Chapter 5

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"I honestly don't know how you can eat so much. Like, where do you put all that and still be that skinny." Chloe teased, as she and Beca left Stanley's and headed back to the Bellas house. "It's like it all goes to your boobs and cute little butt."

"Uh... Good metabolism, I guess." Beca muttered as she blushed a rosy shade of pink.

Chloe caught on and winked at her as she smiled, "You should be more confident about your looks Becs," as she gestured up and down Beca's 5'2" body. "You're hot. I don't just burst into anyone's showers, now do I?"

"Ummm, okay then," Beca said, her eyes darted back and forth across the floor as she remembered the shower incident. For a second, Beca seriously considered the high possibility of Chloe bursting in on some other persons poor unsuspecting soul and interrupting their bathing process.

The younger Bella noticed lately, Chloe had been becoming a bit more daring in her comments towards Beca. If Beca stopped to think about it, Chloe had also been a bit more touchy-feely in her general interactions with her as well. Which is a pretty hard thing for a person as outgoing, optimistic and genuinely excited about even the most mundane things like Chloe, to do. If you asked anyone to describe the one and only Miss Chloe Ann Beale, they would say she is the embodiment of love, bubbles and glitter, all wrapped up in a shiny box with a big red bow on the top. Chloe just didn't care about personal space or boundaries, or the fact that if she wasn't to careful she could quite possibly end up in jail for going too far. It's a good thing her best friend, Aubrey Posen came from a family of lawyers and people in law enforcement. It may come in handy one of these days.

Considering Beca hates almost all forms of physical contact, to where even a hug makes her feel uncomfortable, you'd think Chloe sitting on her lap during Bellas practise was not going to be okay by the Mitchell Scale Of People Interaction, while in fact, that type of behaviour is normal for the two of them. You can usually find them in the living room snuggled on the couch during one of the weekly Bellas movie nights, or curled up on Beca's bed as she worked on a mix and Chloe (pretended to be) reading for her Russian Literature class. They were always each others partners when it came to playing games or singing karaoke on Thursday's. If there were mandatory team building trust exercises or general Bella bonding time, the pair could always be found next ti each other. On the rare chance they were apart from each other, chances are one of them would be able to tell you where they were immediately. If they didn't know, they would be actively looking for the other. Nobody in the Bellas bothered trying to separate the two anymore, because it was 'not going to happen, ok Fat Amy? So just stop trying to make it happen, when it's not.'

Chloe kept Beca balanced, but Beca made sure to at least attempt to keep Chloe in check as well. Chloe did her best to get Beca out of her 'nest' and Beca made sure the redhead took some time to relax and be less stressed. They were like yin and yang, dark and light. Even their hand preference was helpful to them, although not recently since they were cuffed together, as Chloe was righty and Beca, a southpaw. No, Chloe Beale came in like a wrecking ball and broke down all Beca's carefully constructed walls. And Beca didn't fond herself minding that a bit. What she did mind though, were the multiple people on campus who thought they were dating.

Beca didn't mind so much about the fact that people thought they were dating, but more along the lines that they weren't. To an outsider, thinking the two girls were dating was a pretty easy mistake to make. They did almost everything together and Chloe's love for displaying her affection towards the moody Bella, pretty much sealed the deal. Oh, how Beca wished it were true, especially with comments like that coming from Chloe more and more frequently. Beca didn't know, however, Chloe was thinking the exact same thing as well. They both wanted to date each other but were too scared to risk it. Beca was scared due to the amazing trust issues she had thanks to her parents divorce. She didn't want to lose one of her best friends if things didn't work out between them. The brunette would rather stay friends than lose Chloe. The older Bella, on the other hand was scared because she didn't want Beca to run away if she said how she really felt. Their largest roadblock to beginning a relationship was both their biggest fear - loosing each other, but they didn't know it. They also both felt like the Bellas would fall apart if the two ever broke up and they had to choose a side. Instead, Chloe chose to be coy and Beca continued to respond to the flirtiness as her usual awkward self. "One thing at a time Beca," She told herself. "First get yourself unlocked from Chloe, THEN you can tackle the possibility of dating her."

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