Chapter 13

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Beca was in full out panic mode, and could barely think straight let alone process all the sounds that were coming from her housemates.

"WOAH. Alright! Hold up," hollered Amy. "Is Bhloe official? When did this happen?"

"Get it girls!" cheered Stacie, as Cynthia Rose nodded in approval.

"Wait, I thought you two were already dating?" said Ashley, looking between the two co-captains, slightly confused. "You seemed like you were, at least," added Jessica.

Aubrey looked only slightly shocked, sending Chloe a look that said 'We are most definitely going to be talking about this later.' Aubrey knew Chloe had been harboring feelings for the younger girl since her freshman year at the activities fair, but had not known Chloe had done anything about it. As much as Aubrey didn't care for the alt-girl, she seemed to be relatively fine with the change of relationship status.

Beca and Aubrey had come to the conclusion at the end of Beca's freshman year that they may not be each other's favorite person on the planet, but that they both cared about the Bellas and Chloe, and they respected that. In the past year or so, with Aubrey graduating and Beca becoming a captain, their friendship had improved immensely as well. Beca gained some confidence and Aubrey relaxed a bit, finally realizing that her time as captain was over. Aubrey no longer sent Beca 3 page weekly emails telling her how to properly run the Bellas, and Beca found herself not hating everything the older Blonde had to say. In fact, some of it was actually helpful, when trying to corral the Bellas at rehearsals. At least the grad student hadn't suggested they all go on a Bellas bonding trip to a team building retreat or anything. Because now that would just be beyond.

All of the attention, even though it was all positive reactions to the revelation, was causing Beca to have an anxiety attack, and she buried her face in Chloe's shoulder.

"It's new," said Chloe, rubbing Beca's back gently. "Thanks for the love and support everyone. It really means a lot."

At Chloe's comforting touch, Beca turned her head to face her fellow Bellas, but kept it remained firmly planted on Chloe's shoulder as an anchor to security.

"I mean, Lesbi-honest, I think we all knew this was coming," Amy said triumphantly.

"Yeah, I'm happy for you," said Stacie sincerely.

"If you ever want lady lovin' tips, hit me up," added Cynthia Rose with a wink.

"If you hurt her, I will get wolves to rip out your vocal cords, Hobbit," threatened Aubrey. "But congratulations," she added with a small smile. "I wish you the best."

Surprised at how accepting the Bellas all were of their new relationship status, Beca lifted her head up, and smiled at all her friends. "Thanks," she said, not really knowing what else to do. "You guys are really great."

Turning to Aubrey and feeling very much like a teenage boy being threatened by her girlfriend's father, Beca said, "I'm not going to promise to never hurt her." At this Aubrey opened her mouth to protest, but Beca held up a hand to silence her. When Aubrey shut her mouth, Beca took a deep breath and continued.

"I'm not going to promise to never hurt her, because I probably will. I'm a human and I make mistakes. Arguably more than most people, but I do. And I can't help that. Chloe will probably hurt me too. And as much as I don't want that to happen, I know it will. But I can promise that I will try my best to be the person she deserves."

Chloe chimed in, trying to help out her new girlfriend. "Honestly, I don't see our relationship changing that much more into something than it already is. Jessica and Ashley, and probably the whole university for that matter, were right. We basically already were a couple. We just didn't realize it."

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