Chapter 10

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Once the girls hit the lobby, Chloe marched them up to the Hyatt Gold Passport desk, by passing many people in line for a different desk who were starting to arrive for their early check in times. The girl who was working the front desk, smiled and waved as the girls approached.

"Miss Chloe, how are you my love? Everything going well, I hope? Who's your friend that you've brought with you? I haven't seen her here before."

"Cora! I'm great! How are you? This is my most favorite person in the whole entire world ever, Beca!"

"I've heard a lot about you Beca!" Cora replied. "It's nice to put a face to the name. You're just as pretty as Chloe described you!"

Blushing for what felt like the millionth time, Beca muttered a quick thanks and looked at Chloe to take the lead.

"Would you please make Beca a total access keycard like mine?" Chloe asked.

"Of course!" was the reply, with no hesitation at all. "Just like yours or do you want anything different?"

"Exact same please!"

With a big smile Cora said, "You got it! Do you want to pick out a design Beca? Chloe's is sparkly and silver."

"No thank you, just the regular card is fine." Beca said, thinking the regular one would be a standard white and gold hotel card. She was not super keen on the idea of having to carry around a glittery card in her wallet.

"Sounds good. Now we just need to get a photo to go on your ID card. We have a webcam, right here," Cora said. "Or you can quickly send one to me, and I can use that instead," as she saw Beca subtly gaze down at her outfit and grimace.

"I know just the picture you should use," Chloe squealed! "I'll send it to you right away!"

Without letting Beca see which of the probably thousands of photos she probably had of Beca, Chloe sent one off to cyberspace.

5 minutes later, when she was handed her card though, she was not in luck. Turns out, that "sparkly and silver" was the regular card. She did however, really like the photo Chloe had picked out, even though she didn't remember Chloe actually taking the picture. It looked like Beca, but on one of her best days, unlike her driver's license photo. That photo was taken directly after a Bellas practice had just gotten out, as she rushed to the DMV to get there before it closed the day before her old one expired. Needless to say, she was not prepared to take that one either. Beca preferred to wait until last minute to do things, but would not be making that mistake again.

"What all does this do?" Beca asked, as she examined the plastic card with her name and photo printed neatly under the words "Gold Passport VIP with Total Access" still a bit warm from when it popped out of a machine. "This looks like it is like, for rock stars at a concert or something!"

"It gives you all of the perks and privileges that being a Diamond Status level member does, meaning you get the best room available when you check in, suite upgrades, premium Wi-Fi, club lounge access and extended arrival and departure times," Cora explained proudly.

"Well, damn, is that all it does? I would've expected more for something that looks this fancy." Beca said sarcastically, to cover up how shocked she was at everything it did. Unfortunately, Cora didn't know Beca as well as Chloe did, and she looked a bit take aback.

"Well," Cora said, a bit less sure of herself, "Since you have Chloe's clearance, it lets you go anywhere and do anything in the building. You can also use the card to charge expenses to as well. So if you get anything at Cassis, Onyx, the coffee bar or something, the bill just goes to the hotel. If you ever stay here, for some reason, you can always charge your room service to it too. The hotel will then take care of any charges that get made on this card, so you don't have to worry about it."

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