Chapter 8

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As they sat in the backseat of a black Toyota Prius, headed to some unknown destination, Beca thought about all of the different events in her life that had led her up to this very moment—being in the backseat of an Uber, handcuffed to her best friend, going to a mysterious location that Chloe claims to be the one of the best kept secrets in Atlanta. Beca had no idea exactly where they were going, but found that she did not really even care. Trusting people did not come very easily to Beca, but she fully trusted Chloe, and that's what mattered at the moment. From the way Chloe described it, it sounded amazing and Beca considered herself to be very lucky to be allowed to go there with her. Their driver took them to a grey tall building that spanned the whole block, on a very busy street.

Beca was confused and as she turned to Chloe asked, "Here? We're at a hotel. What's going on?"

Chloe just ignored her. "Thanks!" she said cheerfully as she quickly started to hop out of the car that had pulled up in the valet driveway of the Grand Hyatt. "You're getting 5 stars, Harry! Becs don't forget to grab the bag."

Beca found herself being yanked out of the backseat, and scrambled to grab their picnic lunch before she found herself missing an important limb. Chloe directed Beca to the main entrance, waving to the doorman on the way in. "Hi John!"

"Hello, Miss Beale!" the doorman returned.

"What's up with you today?" she continued happily. "Are your girls doing okay? I miss them. They're so cute! And they're getting so big too!"

"I'm doing fine, thank you for asking. The girls are both fine and growing like weeds. I'll tell Carrie and Heather you said hello," the doorman replied. "They'll be glad to hear that."

"What about Kate?" asked Chloe eagerly, "Do you know what you're having yet?"

"Kate is fantastic. Don't tell anyone, since it's not common knowledge yet, but we're going to be having another little baby girl!" John affirmed proudly, not seeming to mind he will still be the only Y chromosome in a house full of girls, outnumbered 4 to 1.

Chloe squealed loudly and did a little happy dance. "That is so fab! Congratulations! When is Kate due?"

"Little Miss. Beth Anne Tucker is due on September 28th," John informed her with a smile.

"Anne..." Chloe said slowly, "Like me?"

"Just like you," John told the ginger fondly. "It's AFTER you, Chlo-Bear."

"Oh my god. That's so sweet! Beca, did you hear him?!" Chloe screeched excitedly, jumping up and down and attempting to clap her hands. "Someone is named after me! Well, named after my middle name, but still. Isn't that so special!"

Beca just stared at her, impressed at the exchanged, but not one bit shocked that someone would name their child after her.

"That's great, Chloe. But why are we here? Did you drag me here just to talk to this guy?"

"No! We just needed to say hi to John first, before we go in. Beca, this is John. John, this is my very best friend in the whole entire world forever and ever, Beca Mitchell," Chloe introduced formally.

"Nice to meet you," Beca said, offering her right hand a bit apprehensively towards the stranger who seemed to be best friends with Chloe. Then again, everyone seems to be friends with Chloe. Or at least, nobody they ran into ever outwardly showed that they didn't like her.

"You as well, Miss. Mitchell," John agreed. If he noticed the handcuffs resting on her other wrist, he made no move to comment on it, for which Beca was most thankful. "Chloe has told me so many great things about you."

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