Chapter 14

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"Don't kill Amy yet. Let's have some fun messing with her instead."

"Huh?" Beca was confused.

"Everyone is in their rooms, getting ready for bed. Let's just wait until tomorrow morning to get back at her."

"You're evil. I love it," Beca proclaimed. "What did you have in mind?"

"Ok, so here's what we do..."


Chloe walked down the stairs to the breakfast table, yawning and stretching her arms, Beca close behind her looking moodier than usual.

On the table, there were stacks of chocolate chip pancakes, mounds of eggs, a tower of French toast and a huge pile bacon, that some of the girls had teamed up to make, not wanting to have cereal for the thousandth time.

"Looks great girls," complimented Aubrey as she entered the kitchen behind Beca and Chloe.

Chloe chimed in her agreement, but Beca just grunted. The Bellas wrote it off as Beca being her usual non-morning-person, grumpy self, but would soon realize there was a bit more going on with the little DJ.

"Hey, has anyone seen Amy?" Chloe asked.

"No, she's probably still sleeping," replied Cynthia Rose.

"She should be up soon though, I'd imagine. Breakfast is ready, so it shouldn't be long now," added Stacie.

As if on cue, Fat Amy could be heard barreling down the stairs. "I smell bacon!" she hollered. "There better be plenty left for me!"

Breakfast was a tense affair. Chloe usually set the tone of the Bellas morning meal that would hold them all over until the evening, providing feel-good news stories that she had gotten in her daily good morning positivity email or interesting and funny facts from her 365 Days of Amazing Trivia Page-A-Day calendar. However, today she was oddly subdued, at least, by Chloe Beale standards. She still participated in conversations, and reacted appropriately, but it seemed a bit too forced, to be genuine.

"Are you ok Chloe?" asked Stacie concernedly, eyes quickly flicking back and forth between the sad ginger and the sulking brunette. "What's wrong? You look like someone kicked your metaphorical puppy."

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just had a bit of a rough night. I think the stress of my classes is starting to get to me," Chloe replied, while Beca just rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Even more reason you should try to go to them today!" encouraged Aubrey, while shooting the tiny girl a glare.

"Ok, well, I guess Beca and I should go get ready if we're going to be heading off to class soon. Thanks for breakfast girls." Chloe said, as she pushed her plate away and stood up from the table. "It tasted great," she added, although neither she nor Beca really ate anything, the latter of the two only drinking half a mug of black coffee.

"Hopefully we won't kill each other," she continued on, a bit more dramatically than probably necessary, but the Bellas still bought it. After all this was very unusual behavior for the usually cheery captain. Even so, the girls were all listening with rapt attention as Chloe went on.

"This whole 'being handcuffed together' is getting really old, really fast," Chloe sighed sadly. "It was funny at first, but this is the 3rd day, and to be honest, I think it's starting to take a toll on our relationship already."

To this, Beca just glared at Chloe and scoffed loudly. "Anybody would be pissed, if they had to be handcuffed to someone like you this long," Beca spat out viciously, gesturing to the handcuffs that they had re-attached to themselves that morning before heading downstairs for breakfast.

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