Chapter 6

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After about 10 minutes, Aubrey say back on her heels and sighed. "I don't get it. This is a master key!"

"Yeah, but these aren't standard cuffs Bree. They're ones from Benji's magic box," said Beca. "Which you KNOW means that it's not normal."

"Of course they are," Aubrey replied, rolling her eyes at the thought of the aspiring magician. He was very lovable, but could be quite exasperating at times.

"Told ya so," Beca mocked.

"Told ya so," Aubrey parroted childishly, sticking her tongue out at Beca.

Turning to face the ginger, Aubrey said softly, "Chloe, I'm so sorry. I really thought I could help you."

"Don't worry about it," Chloe said, walking with Aubrey to the door dragging Beca with her. "Go back to your study group while you still have time."

"Okay. But call me if you need anything." She demanded. "I'll help you get to the bottom of this mess." With that promise, Aubrey left the Bellas with a backpack that probably weighed about as much as Beca.

"Now what are you going to do, Chlo?" Beca said, still very concerned.

"I'll just tell Tom i can't go tonight." Chloe said, like it was no big deal. "It's fine."

"Are you sure?" The brunette asked anxiously. "It's almost 7:15pm already. Won't Tom be angry if you cancel this late?"

"He'll get over it. I'm totes sure Becs. Besides I'd rather hang out with you," Chloe said with a beaming smile towards the younger girl.

"He will be fine," she repeated, when Beca still looked a bit sceptical. "It's not like it was a date anyway."

Chloe noticed Beca's eyes widen a bit in something akin to relief or hope, before resuming her look of concern.

"Wait. It's not a date? You're not mad at me?"

"Nope. I'm definitely not mad. Now i don't have to get dressed up and go out. Besides, you hate people, and you'd be coming with me since you're stuck with me. And because you are so lucky, I'm yours for the rest of the night!" Chloe replied with a wink.

That wink brought the first smile to Beca's face since dinner had happened, and Chloe beamed. "Since I can't go out to a movie, we'll just stay in and watch one instead! so, what do you wanna see?" Beca just ground, "Whaaa? Why? Can't we play video games or something?" Then, Beca's body reminded her that there was an even more unpleasant problem to deal with. She had to pee - and badly.

Stupefied by this realisation, Beca suddenly seemed unable to form a coherent sentence. "Ah, yes. A movie. Mhm. That's a thing now isn't it? Movies are ok. Great even. Except to me. I don't really. Like them, I mean."

"Beca, are you ok? You sound like you just had a seizure or something."

"No seizure. But I will have an accident if you don't come with me to pee right now!" 

"Oh wow. Okay, lets hurry then." Chloe said shocked.

Beca charged up the stairs, Chloe hot on her heels in pursuit of the bathroom. Having to pee so badly, she didn't even care that Chloe came into the bathroom with her. She quickly undid her trousers and placed her hands on her sides quickly, shoving both her underwear and skinny jeans and sitting down all in one fairly smooth motion, considering a third hand was unwillingly involved in the process. Only when Beca was sat on the toilet seat and gushing like Niagara Falls did she become acutely aware of the situation. Screaming loudly in embarrassment quickly crossed her mind, before Beca realised there was no point. The damage was already done. Beca turned a deep glowing shade of tomato red and looked up at Chloe, who was wedged between the side of the bathroom wall and the toilet.

"Err. sorry. Guess I shouldn't of had the large milkshake at Stanley's today, huh?"

"You never need to get a large Beca. They do have normal size too," Chloe chastised. "They just know better than to offer it to you cuz you won't order it."

"Well, maybe I'll start." Beca said. "Um. Can you, ya know..." She trailed off, gesturing with one hand lamely, in an attempt to get Chloe to turn around.

"I have already seen it all Beca. Just finish up so we can get on with the rest of our night."

Begrudgingly, Beca wiped, stood up, flushed and started to pull up her trousers. Beca found that zipping and buttoning them without putting Chloe's hand directly next to her crotch was next to impossible though. She realised, that in order to get them off in the first place, it happened before, but she had done that without thinking, more focused on not peeing her pants as a college student. Now it was all she could think about.

Before long, Chloe decided enough was enough and said, "Just leave it undone and lets go."

Changing became a whole different issue. Neither of the girls could take their shirts off because they couldn't get it off of their arms. Beca also didn't want to be stuck in her skinny jeans all night either. Chloe, ever the exhibitionist, just started to strip down and throw the smallest shorts in the world on, while Beca tried not to think of what her hand was next to. Beca however much she loved Chloe also loved her privacy. Even handcuffed to her best friend, Beca still wanted to maintain some sort of dignity. So as she struggled to pull her jeans down, she demanded that Chloe closed her eyes, to which Chloe reminded her that she'd seen it all before.  

"Oh screw it, let's just do this," Beca conceded,s till unsure of how Chloe didn't have to pee yet. 'She must be part camel,' she thought to herself. While she contemplated Chloe's water retention abilities and wondered how long someone could goAfter  without peeing and not cause serious harm to themselves, she realised another thing. "Help e, I can't balance well enough to take these off with you tugging on my arm."

It was a struggle, but eventually the two managed to get them off of Beca's tiny little legs. They have found a semi clean pair of Chloe's blue and white Barden Bellas sweats and Beca was too tired to argue that about the fact it had the name BEALE plastered on the ass in hot pink lettering. Once they finished they headed to the bathroom to bush their teeth and finish getting ready for bed. 

"I have a silly idea Becs!" Chloe said when they reached the bathroom. "Lets brush each others teeth!"

"Chlo, I am so worn-out from today, I just wanna watch this movie then go to sleep. And I don't want to die because I had a toothbrush lodged down my throat."

"You're no fun. But okay," Chloe relented. "Maybe a different day?"

"Sure," Beca placated, knowing full well it would not happen.

After they brushed their teeth, a little more sloppily than usual, it was decided that they would watch the movie on Chloe's bed, because the redhead had just put new sheets on. Thankfully, the Bellas house had full size mattresses, and while they weren't a California King bed, they were at least bigger than the dorm room ones.

The girls ended up watching a musical called 'The last five years', on Netflix, because Beca actually liked musicals, and Chloe loved a good romance movie. However, Chloe cried throughout the entire second half. "It's just so sad Beca!" she exclaimed. "Cathy worked so hard, and she never got to love her dream. And then Jamie, the guy that had the nerve to call himself her husband and then cheated on her."

"51% of marriages end in divorce," Beca quipped.

"But don't you want to find someone to spend the rest of your life with? Someone to grow old with, and have a family with?" Chloe cried out slightly nasally. "Doesn't that interest you at all?" Chloe looked as if the potential to be single forever was about as sad as dying alone.

"Well I mean, not really. My parents weren't exactly a stellar example of how a marriage should work. Marriages are especially not great for what it does to a kid when they end," Beca said bluntly. "Besides, I can't tolerate anyone long enough to marry them, except maybe you."

Realising this, Beca blurted out very quickly, "By the way, I'm really glad I'm stuck with you for 24 hours." Blushing furiously, Beca began to backtrack, thinking it was a terribly inappropriate thing to say to you best friend "I mean, it's whatever, but not really. Because I would kind of hate being stuck with anyone else since..." but was gently stopped by a hand on her arm.

Chloe, to her credit, just smiled and said, "I'm glad I'm stuck with you for 24 hours too."

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