003 | Blessing

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"Uncle Yoongi, what brings you here to Olympus?" A deep voice called from behind the god of the Underworld as he dismounted from his chariot

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"Uncle Yoongi, what brings you here to Olympus?" A deep voice called from behind the god of the Underworld as he dismounted from his chariot.

He turned to see two of his nephews, Namjoon, mortally known as Athena, and Jungkook, mortally known as Ares. The two gods descended down the steps to greet their uncle, both embracing the god quickly and leaving kisses on his cheeks.

"What summons your presence here, dear Uncle?" Namjoon questioned once more, signalling for one of the palace servants to come collect the chariot for the elder god.

"I've come to commune with your father. There is an urgent matter I wish to discuss with him. Is Seokjin here by chance?" Yoongi explained, ascending the alabaster steps, both young gods trailing behind him.

"No, Uncle Seokjin is tending to the fields of the mortals who offered sacrifice. Is there some sort of an issue?" Jungkook asked, a tinge of hope lacing his tone, both of the young gods leading their elder towards the throne room.

"There won't be now. Thank you both for escorting me, but I must speak with my brother alone," Yoongi spoke as they neared the large marble doors.

A sly grin appeared on the aforementioned god's face, "Too bad, a quarrel would have made matters so much more interesting."

Namjoon simply rolled his eyes in a response to the smirking, younger god. After Jungkook had excused himself from the conversation with a strong farewell hug, he departed to his own chariot, explaining he had his own personal matters to attend to. Namjoon parted from Yoongi as well, claiming there was a heroic mortal in desperate need of his guidance. Once the elder god was left alone in the grand hall, he turned towards the large doors, and pushed them open.

The bright light of the throne room flooded his senses, momentarily stunning him. He blinked his eyes repeatedly, the corners of his lips quirking up in annoyance. When he eventually regained his sight, he was greeted with the image of his brother perched in his grand golden throne, a servant knelt on the floor buy his feet.

The servant was running a rag scented with jasmine over his feet, dipping it into a bucket filled with water on occasion. She had long, wavy, glossy blonde hair that fell to her waist. Her well endowed, womanly figure was a beneficial asset in her ending up in the chief god's private bed chambers by the end of the night. Yoongi knew is brother well, knowing her fate, and in addition, knew how enraged his wife would be.

The god tore his predatory gaze from the kneeling woman, his electric blue eyes meeting his brother's, a big smile gracing his features. He excused the servant, watching with eyes like a hawk as she rose from her crouched stature, eyes never leaving her swaying figure as she bowed and exited.

"Yoongi!" Jiyong called happily once he snapped out of his trance.

"Some things never change," Yoongi smirked as he motioned towards the way the servant departed, fully approaching his brother, now only a few paces away.

"She was quite beautiful, was she not?" Jiyong grinned coyly, "So, what has finally brought you out of the shadows? It's been far too long since you've communed with any of us. You know, I do enjoy seeing my dear brother every now and then."

"There's a reason for that. All of you are so unbearable," Jiyong chuckled lowly at his expression. "I've come with a request," Yoongi clarified.

"A request? That's interesting; you never like to depend on anyone for anything," Jiyong scoffed, cocking his head to the side.

"It's about Seokjin's child," Yoongi spoke, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Ah, you must mean Hoseok. Although he's fairly young, the mortals have taken quite a liking to him. They've already given him the name Persephone. What about your request has to do with him?" Jiyong questioned, folding his hands upon his lap.

"I want him; I want to wed him," Yoongi declared sharply.

There was moment of silence after his proclamation, Jiyong's eyes trained onto Yoongi's determined stare until he finally sighed.

"Well, that is quite a predicament. You know how our brother is..."

"Unreasonable? Overbearing?" Yoongi interrupted him with a snort, Jiyong laughing lightly.

"Well, I would have expressed something more like protective... but you and I both know he's not going to let you have his son. Besides, Hoseok is quite young, brother. Why don't you wed another? Many are interested in you, you know," Jiyong respired, leaning his head on his hand.

"I don't want any others. I want him, I've made up my mind. You are the king of the Heavens, you can allow this marriage," Yoongi spoke, stepping closer to him.

The god of the Underworld was starting to become a bit desperate with Jiyong, but he absolutely forbade himself from begging. He hated having to come to his brother for any form of assistance, and he wouldn't degrade himself further by whining just because he wanted something.

"Fine," Jiyong finally sighed, "I'll allow you this marriage, but, you must wait momentarily. Hoseok is young, let him spend his youth with Seokjin a while longer. Then, and only then, may you have him as yours," he concluded.

"How long must I wait?" Yoongi groaned in slight annoyance.

"Until he has come of age; entered his prime. Believe me brother," Jiyong stood placing a hand on the other immortal's shoulder, "I wish for your happiness. If this boy will bring joy upon you, then you have my blessing," he gave the other god a small smile.

"Thank you for listening, and for your ruling. I will now take my leave," Yoongi bowed slightly, making his way towards the doors he had entered through.

"Farewell, brother," Jiyong called softly.

a/n: boring chapter, i know.

but basically right now hoseok is like around the age of ten. in the actual myth, persephone was 14-16ish when hades kidnapped her, but hoseok will be around 16-18ish when yoongi can finally marry him.


okay great.

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