005 | Exaltation

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Hoseok walked hand in hand with his father, swinging their arms back and forth whilst humming softly to himself with a smile upon his plump, roseate lips

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Hoseok walked hand in hand with his father, swinging their arms back and forth whilst humming softly to himself with a smile upon his plump, roseate lips. He knew his father was speaking to him, rambling about the work there was to be done, but he wasn't paying a bit of attention. He certainly knew he should, but oh, how could he when they were strolling through his favorite meadow, surrounded by so many beautiful flowers and lovely animals?

He watched as a doe pranced gracefully through the tree line followed by her two fawns. A pair of doves cooed to one another as they landed on a branch, the female nuzzling into the male. Hoseok admired the loving sight. It caused him to begin daydreaming about his own future companion. What kind of person would they be? For example, would they prefer poppies, or daisies? Would they prefer the aesthetic beauty of trees over shrubbery?

"Hoseok? Have you been listening to anything that I've been telling you, child?" His father's loud voice startled him from his thoughts.

He turned towards his father and smiled sheepishly, "My apologies, Father. But, look! There's so many pretty flowers here, and this is my most treasured place ever! How am I supposed to stay focused on other matters?" Hoseok questioned with a pout.

"Oh, my sweet child," Seokjin mused, cupping his son's face in both of his large hands, "What ever shall I do with you, darling?"

Hoseok giggled, looking up at his father with his bright, shining eyes. Seokjin's son had grown into a beautiful young man. He was kind and caring, taking a liking to practically everyone he met. He always saw the absolute best in everyone. That innocence made Seokjin feel even more protective over his dear child, scared that someone may one day take advantage of him.

"Would you like to stay here and play whilst I go and tend the fields?" Seokjin offered, gazing down at his son with a warm smile.

Hoseok completely lit up at his father's suggestion, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you, Father!" He bounced up and down in place excitedly.

"I shall return in but a few moments," Seokjin laughed, looking at the pure sight of his childish son so enthralled. "Why don't you go find your friends? Those little water nymphs of yours," Seokjin proposed to him.

Hoseok gasped in delight, mind now trained on seeking out his aforementioned companions. After giving his father a parting hug and kiss, he turned away and began skipping towards the direction of the sea, which was located right next to the floral meadow. This was Hoseok's favorite meadow for various reasons. It was ample, teeming with plant and animal life, and met with the sparkling sea. The sandy shore was sprinkled with vast colorful shells and various stones.

As Hoseok's sandled feet met the soft, warm sand, an even larger smile erupted on his face when he caught sight of his friends. The four water nymphs frolicking about in the shallow water heard his approach, and turned toward the patter of the footsteps, lighting up when they saw it to be Hoseok.

"Persephone!" Lalisa called excitedly from the group of girls.

Hoseok waved excitedly and scampered up to the coastline. Jisoo, Jennie, Chaeyoung, and Lalisa all swam up to where the immortal stood. Hoseok sat down in the heated sand and removed his sandals, dipping his toes into the shallow water, wiggling them in the refreshing sea water.

Hoseok sat with the water nymphs for what seemed like years. It had been so long since the four girls had seen the young god, and they had much they wanted to discuss with him. They made him laugh with tales of other vexatious nymphs and unruly sea creatures they'd had the misfortune to cross paths with since their last time seeing the immortal. Chaeyoung recalled to them a time that a centaur had tried to woo her onto land wishing to wed her, and how she had tricked the poor soul into marrying a wicked siren in her place. Hoseok laughed along, although feeling pity for the poor creatures who did not know of the witty tricks nymphs played.

"Oh! Jennie!" Hoseok exclaimed suddenly, causing Jisoo, who's hair he was plaiting into an intricate braid, to jolt in surprisement.

"Yes, Persephone?" Jennie questioned, giggling at the sight of the eldest nymph clutching her chest dramatically.

"I saw the prettiest bunch of poppies in the meadow whilst walking here with Father! Oh, how they'd look so dashing in your hair. Could I make you a crown?" Hoseok asked enthusiastically.

"You and your flowers," Chaeyoung chuckled at his ecstatic excitement at the thought of the brightly colored petals.

"Of course you may craft one for me, Persephone," Jennie spoke up, giving the young god a warm smile.

Hoseok beamed brightly in return, and capered up to his feet. He slipped his sandals back on his dainty feet with speed, waved, turned on his heel, and began skipping the way towards the vast, flowered field. He hummed happily to himself as he traversed, quickly locating the clusters of bright poppies, soft daisies, varied in color anemones, and droopy irises he'd discovered earlier. He sat down in the soft, lush grass and crossed his slim legs over each other.

Although Hoseok found every flower to be of perfection and beauty in it's own special way, the young god gathered only the best of the best for his honorable companion. After his bundle of chosen flowers was created, he set to work on tying them together, adding few blades of grass when necessary, into a loop.

The immortal was so immersed in his craft, he didn't at first notice the sound of footsteps headed towards his direction through the vibrant grass, until they had stopped, and were standing right beside him. Hoseok all of a sudden felt the presence next to him, and stiffened slightly at the sudden appearance. Through the corner of his eye, he could see the jet black cloth of one's robes.

a/n: disclaimer: i am not a blink, four just seemed like a good enough number so i went with it.

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