《 chapter one-levi♡ 》

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Walking through the halls of my underground mansion, I started hearing a lot of yells. I turned to where the noise was coming from and found myself outside my dining hall. Opening the door everything went in complete silence as if nothing was going on in there.
"What's all commotion and yelling about?" I said as I looked around seeing my whole squad plus Hanji and Erwin with nervous expressions." Well?" I said getting a bit pissed that they haven't answered my question.

"Well-" Erwin started but was interrupted by Hanji. "We found out that a person hasn't paid us the money they own us, and all the money of the drugs we gave them, for months!" Hanji blurt out and earned her a whack on the back of her head from Erwin. "What!? Why the fuck would you allow a son of a bitch to take that amount of time to pay me what he owns me!?" I yelled angrily at them" don't you fucking know I only give a fucking month to pay up!? Why would I give some asshat half a fucking  year to pay!?" They know I'm pissed and it's dangerous for me, Levi fucking Ackerman, to be fucking angry cause shit is about to happen and that shit is not nice. "Sorry, Levi! We forgot! With the problem of us being attacked by another gang and the police, we got so busy that our brain was concentrated on only that and forgot about the rest!" Petra said with a nervous tone. I rubbed my temples and let out an annoyed sigh, I looked at them and frowned. "You'll get wrinkles if you keep frowning like that," a sweet voice said behind me making the rest laugh but my stoic expression stayed the same. "Mother, please," I said as I looked at my mother, Kuchel Ackerman. She smiled at me and got on her tippy toes to kiss me on my forehead. Yes, I am taller than my mother, I like it. Being an alpha and boss of a gang my height, my glares, and my strength is the best for scaring people or other gangs away and making others do what I say. " Anyway, what's happening here?" My mother asked and looked at us with a raised brow. "Nothing too drastic just a bastard that hasn't played me," I said making my mom nod in understanding. "Ok, so what would you guys want for dinner!" My mom said changing the subject. "Tell the chefs to do the cooking," I said as my mother shook her head "no I want to cook something" she argued back, I let out a sigh knowing that I wouldn't convince her to do it. "Make your famous lasagna!" Hanji said drooling over the image of my mother's great lasagna. "Ok, bye kids! I'll go and tell  you all when the food is ready!" My mother happily said as she walked out "Yes Mrs. Ackerman!" Everybody said with a smile. I slammed my hand on the table and glared at everybody making them sigh. "This is not over, after dinner all of you meet me at my office," I said glaring at them, they nodded, and I walked out.

I walked to my office cause I have a lot of shitty work to do. "Let's see this bastard owns me 2,000 dollars and this one has bought a lot of drugs so it sums up to 5,690 dollars, if I kill him that means I won't have my money but if I threaten him there is a lot of chances that he'll give it to me and maybe more cause he's filthy rich. Then again I have to calculate the time it takes to get to his house and do the speech then move on with the other" I said as I started to think more of this" It takes about half an hour to get from here to his house, 3 minutes to do the whole speech then two hours to go to next house and another fucking 3 minutes, so if my math is correct I will need to leave about 5:00 in the morning and I'll be back about 7:36 and if I want to be here before everybody wakes up and that's until 8:00 to 8:30 so, yeah, I think I'll do that, maybe tomorrow" I said as I wrote it down on a calendar I have hanging on my office and my to-do-list. "Well, I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow to do it. Tonight we're going to that bastard that still owns my fucking money" I said angrily and stood up when I heard my mother yell that the food is ready, I walked out of my office and headed to the dining hall where all of my gang members are.

 I have a lot of gang members but I only chose the best of the best to be in my squad and come with me to missions I do. In my squad, I have alphas, betas, and some omegas, but instead, we take very good care of our omega members in my gang since they are special and delicate. We alphas won't even imagine laying a finger on an omega since the omegas are also rare, especially male ones. The omegas here have their mates so nobody dares disrespect an omega since an alpha that has found their mate is very overprotective. I, on the other hand, I'm very overprotective of my mother since she is an omega, and maybe when I find my mate I'll need to protect both of them. I don't mind having and finding my mate but would my mate even accept who I am? And what my job is, I don't what him or her to reject me as it happened to a member of my gang, he killed himself.

I always thought that it was shit about and alpha or omega killing themself just because their mate didn't love them, but all of that changed when that alpha hanged himself because of depression. Anyway, I wish this dinner finishes faster cause I need a bastard to kill.

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