《 chapter 8-Kuchel♡ 》

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It's been a while since eren came into our lives, it's been such beautiful and amazing moments! not has that adorable little omega conquered my son's heart but he is so nice to everyone. Ever since hanji gave him that drink, that I found out because levi told me and I got angry at her, i'm grateful also.

Eren has gotten well really fast, he doesn't look like the skinny and weak omega we found months ago, he can know dress all by himself, eat by himself, but my son is such a overprotective alpha that sometimes he doesn't let eren walk by his own 'cause he's worried he will fall and hurt himself. 

I know sooner or later I'll have to teach him about his body and all the stuff levi doesn't want eren to learn, but he's an omega, he must know about his body and what can happen while he gets his first heat......but what has happened to him in his house I think he knows a few things, in the wrong way that's for sure, he was forced to do it, he never decided so he may think it's a horrible and painful thing and that he never wants to do it....but......I want to be a grandma and levi better make sure I become one!

Anyway I better find eren and tell him before levi finds out what I'm planing or what i'm trying to do. It's scary that he finds things out without even telling him, I think that he got that from his uncle, that bastard still owns me 50 bucks! oh my! I forgot my vocabulary!

I then started walking looking for eren, I found him talking to some omegas, he's so sweet that I'll get diabetes! not actually....I eat healthy...... sometimes. Well wish me luck....I'll need it.

I walked up to him and place a hand on his hand, I startled him a little but calmed down when he saw me, the omegas said a nice goodbye and lets. I looked at him a smiled "hello there eren, how are you doing?" I smiled "I'm doing well kuchel" he smiled.

We started walking as we talked "so eren I know levi wouldn't like me telling you this but  as a omega you need to know this" I said and looked at him, he tilted his head a little "what do you mean Mrs. Ackerman?" he questioned "well when a alph and a mate.." I started feeling nervous, now I know why levi doesn't want me to say this, he's just so adorable and inoce- "you mean when we mate?" he said  taking me off guard "wha- how- when-.."  I cracked "like you said Mrs. Ackerman, an omega has their own instinct, mine for a reason wants to mate, I feel really embarrassed telling you this but I'm happy that you know that my body is getting ready to reproduce" he smiled at me.

My mouth was wide and I couldn't find the right words, but there was one word in my mind that makes me happy....babies!!

I came back to reality just a few seconds of eren telling me that, I couldn't help but smile "I'm really happy eren! you know this is like a dream come true! I'm ready to be a grandma!!" I yelled with a big smile "really? would levi be happy if I end up pregnant with his pups?" he shyly said and place a hand on his stomach "of course he will! after all they will be levi's pups....I think he would be like the overprotective mate slash father" I said smiling  making eren let a small chuckle "you think so?" he said looking up at me "I know so! after all...he's having a little problem holding back his hormones just to make sure he doesn't do anything that he will regret later"  I smiled "when...when is levi next runt?" eren questioned "mmm....in a few days, why?" I said and looked at him. Eren looked down and tweedle his fingers, my eyes widened when I realized "you-you want to mate with him? are you sure? is your brain and your body ready to be mated, marked by an alpha?" I questioned. Eren gave me a small nod and looked at me "I'm ready to have babies....I want to have a family with levi....I want to be finally his mate to make sure everybody here now that I'm his" eren said seriously "perfect!...then since you are going to be levi's mate, for real this time, then he won't mind if I show you baby pictures of him!" I smirked evilly, eren let a small laugh as I grabbed him and we walked to my room.

When we arrived I pulled him inside and locked the door, I make him sit on the bed while I looked for the baby album, I found it under the bed. I grabbed it and sat down besides eren, I opened it and was meet with baby pictures. I smile at the memories of these pictures. "levi was a chubby baby" I said making eren smile and let a small laugh "look here this is levi's fist gun, it was plastic so we didn't have to worry! here is levi when he said his first word, 'bang',  I was the proudest mother ever! here is where he was two years old, he got his first knife! he would try to stab my brother...it was so funny! Levi being chubby he could barely walk and when he did it was so adorable! his chubby legs were so adorable!! anyway when he was five U started teaching him how to shoot and throw knives..he learned quick, so I started showing him how to write, read and those thing! I even showed him what he was and what he should and shouldn't do! for example take care of omegas and make sure other alphas wouldn't hurt them! I was so proud as he grew...he has protected me and the people around him, he grew stronger and stronger that I knew that he wasn't my little pup anymore, he was know my big strong alpha of a son! I always prayed that my son would meet his future mate and that his mate would be just perfect for my little levi, I wanted always the best for him, know that he has you....I feel like he has everything he needs to be happy, he loves you, I know it, after all I'm his mother, a mother knows when the omega is perfect for his son and that his son loves that omega. That's why I want you to make my son happy, give him so much love, until the end.......oh and give me grandchildren, mama wants grandchildren!" I said with a big smile .

Eren looked at me and smile at me "don't worry mama kuchel, I'll love levi so much until the end and I will give you grandchildren" he smiled and hugged me. I hugged him back as a tear rolled down my cheek. 'Levi you choose the right omega, mama is so proud of you baby' I thought 

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