《 chapter 6-eren♡ 》

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What is this feeling, why do I feel it when I'm with this alpha....why am I so attached to him? I never felt this way...not even to my mother. I just want to hug him, kiss him, cuddle him...I don't want to leave his side ever....not even for a second....why tho? what is this feeling?

I don't mind anyway....my alpha is so nice and loveable.....he gives me everything that my mother and father never gave me...well not anymore, they use to when I was a baby....then hell started. But why are they saying....goddess? what's that? and why are they bowing to me? i'm very uncomfortable! 

Then a omega started saying stuff....the crazy beta walked to the omega and started talking, as more she talked the more crazy she become, this scared the omega and scared me a little too, so I went and snuggle closer to my alpha, all of this was stopped by the nice omega that changed me, her name was kuchel? I think I can't remember right...but what I know is that for now I'm going to take a nap. I love naps but with the nightmares that I have it's nearly impossible to sleep. But with my alpha by my side I'll be ok.

My alpha changed me to something better to be able to sleep, I smiled at him and cuddle close to him, he hold me close and kiss my forehead, my smile widened and let sleep take over me. 


I woke up to someone shaking me, I opened my eyes and looked around still sleepy, then I looked at my awake alpha, he smiled at me and kissed my cheek, I smiled but then I heard a noise, I jumped when I heard it close to me, I looked around for the noise......realized that it was my stomach. Alpha let a small laugh when he watched me look for the rumbling noise my stomach made, I let a blush dust in my cheeks, the nice alpha kissed my forehead and got up. I watched as he undressed and put other clothes on. He then walked up to a wardrobe and open one of his many hutch drawers and took out some shorts, a cream color turtleneck long sleeve top that looks way to big on me, he then grabbed some black high knee socks. He walked up to me and started dressing me. 

I looked down disappointed, I can't even put on some clothes by my own, i'm so weak...why would they want me here anyways? I'm just going to be a burden to them"don't worry my little omega" I heard my alpha say in a soft and kind voice, he looked at me and gave me a ghost smile "we'll make sure you go back to health and you don't have to worry about not doing things by your own" he softly said making me smile "t-t-thank y-you a-alpha" I smiled and let him change me.

When he finished he put some black and white converse on me and picked me up,  wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, he wrap one arm around my waist and he placed the other underneath me, technically on my ass, but I know my alpha won't touch me if I don't want to, that's why I...what's the word, what do you say to someone that you care so much that you want to spend your whole life with him? I know it started with a 'L' but i don't quite remember the words.

Anyway, my alpha walked us to where I think is the eating table, they say another word that I also forgot, oh well. I watched as he pushed the door opened revealing a long table with so much food, I started drooling over the really good plates of food that was in the middle of the table, I don't know what the food is mostly called since I never went to that big building that people go to to get bored out of their minds, I remember calling that place hell,  I was a very intelligent kid but when I stopped going to school I forgot everything that has been happening around me.

"Ah my babies are here!" a heard a cheerful voice say interrupting my thoughts, I looked at mama bear with her arms outstretched with a big smile. She speed walked to us and gave alpha a kiss on his cheek and gave me on mine, I couldn't help but tense. Alpha felt when I tensed up so he gave me a kiss also, he smiled at his mother and explained "sorry mother but he isn't used for people to kiss him....I can only do that" he smirked "aww my poor baby has gone into so much" the omega cooed and faked whined as she pinched my cheek. When she let go I rubbed my red cheek, alpha just let a chuckle and went to take a seat, he grabbed an extra chair and placed it next to him, he then sat me and he took a seat next to me, a whistle scared me and made me jump a little, then footsteps were heard, coming closer and closer, I went and tried to get on my alpha's lap because I was scared, he chuckled and placed me on his lap, I nuzzle my face on his scent gland and breath in his aroma, I smiled and stayed like that until I heard a 'aww' from somewhere, I looked over my shoulder but my face was still on levi's shoulder, I looked around and was faced with a crazy brunette with glasses. She had a big smile on her face as she waved at me, I gave her a closed eye smile and a small wave, she let a squeal but was quiet down by some guy, he has short, smooth, light hair parted down in the middle, he was taller than me and well built.

 I smiled seeing that at least there is someone that is worries and cares for the crazy brunette. "a-alpha" I shutter and got his attention, he hummed in response "w-what's t-the n-n-name of t-that b-beta?" I questioned, he smiled and answered my questioned "Hanji Zoe" I nodded and laye my head on his chest. "Alright everyone's here! dig up!" a voice yelled and people started to serve themselves food, I saw how my alpha grabbed some food from different plates and placed them on his, he put a good amount and brought the plate full with food right in front of us, he grabbed a fork and grabbed some, he lifted the fork with food up to my lips, I looked at it strangely, I then sniff it and made a disgust look, I turned my head around not wanting to eat that "brat you need to eat it" levi sighed "n-no! i-it s-smells s-s-strange!" I yelled.

Alpha let a sight "it test better than it smells" he said and looked at him, I hesitantly opened my mouth and ate a little of it, I bite it and my eyes widened at how delicious it tastes. I took another bite of it and smiled, I ate different foods I haven't ever eaten, they all taste different but they were so good. 

When I finished everything in the plate I let alpha eat, every time he finished with a mouthful of food he would give me a kiss on my cheek making me giggle. I can sense people watching but I didn't care.

I have alpha and that's all i want right now.

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