Jinyoung- "It hurts!"

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The door closes. "Sweetie I'm home!" Jinyoung called as he hung his jacket up. "Ouhhh" You groaned. As soon as he heard you he rushed to the bedroom with an umbrella in his hand. "Oh thank god I thought someone was torturing you!" Jinyoung shouted. "Ouhhh!!" You groaned loudly. " Is my little dumpling sick?" Jinyoung asked cutely. "Yes" you say as you pout. " Shall I make you my famous Jinyoungie Soup?" He asked again. "Yes please" You said as you kissed his cheek.

He left and went to make the soup. He heated up the pan and poured water in it. He started off by adding the tomato sauce. Then he added all types of your favourite seasoning and vegetables. When he finished making it. He poured it into your favourite bowl and he started to perfect the soup while he was doing that, you popped downstairs quietly and wrapped your arms around his waist. You pressed your head against his back.

"Y/N go sit down your soup is nearly ready" He said with a small smile on his face. "No, I want to stay here with my handsome boyfriend!" You commanded. "Please!" He begged. "Ok"you said. You sat down. After a while he came to you with a beautifully made bowl of soup. You ate it fast."Thank you babeeee" you said so happily (you could still hear your croaky voice though). "Anything for my little dumpling" he said as he wiped leftover soup off your mouth. He pecked your lips and said "Y/N you are truly stunning I'm so glad you're my girlfriend". You started to heat up. "I'm so glad to have you too Jinyoungiee" you giggled.

Thank you 333cyjars333  for requesting this. I hope you can request more things. Hope you have a fantastic day💞🤗

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