Bts & Got7- Luck Pt.5 (Collab with @Defsoul_AgustD_Ars)

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The boys that were wearing it were...


Suga,Jungkook and Mark.
You were confused to why they touched you like that and you wanted to speak to them about it. You weren't mad that they did that in fact you were happy. It was the way the person grabbed you by the waist. (You guys may not know) The person also whispered the name Penny into your ear. It wasn't your name it was something you use to be called but you forgot where it was from.
You spaced out trying to think deep only to be brought back into reality by Taehyung shaking you.
His box smile began to appear.

"Come on we're here" He giggled.
He held out his hand and gestured you to hold his hand. You held on his hand tight while you both ran after the other members. You guys were at the gate of the zoo. You both looked at each other, nodded then ran.

"Y/N! Taehyung! Wait for us" Jimin,Jungkook,Yugyeom and Bambam shouted.

•First Stop: Leopards

All of the members gathered around the Leopards cage.
"Hello Tigers!" Taehyung screamed
"Their not Tigers! They're Leopards you dumbass!" Jackson yelled.
"You can't chat! You thought Tigers were Lions" Jinyoung said as he eyed Jackson up and down scarily.
"You guys are in the way! I can't s- WOAhhhh" You shouted as you fell to the floor.
None of the boys heard you because they so engrossed into watching the Leopards eating and fighting.
Someone helped you up it was...
He was wearing the ring.
You were about to ask him about it but then Yugyeom came towards you and dragged you away.

Yugyeom pulled you non stop until you ended up at the other side of the zoo.
You saw the dolphins.
(FOR ALL MY NCTZENS! Yes Chenle was there and Yes as a Dolphin)
"Waaaah! They look so pretty!" You squealed.
"Yeah just like you" Jungkook muttered under his breath.
"Pardon?" You said as you looked at him with a confused face.
"Nothing" He replied smiling softly.

^Ten Minutes Later^

All of them ran to the car.
"Okay Mama Jinyoung" Jimin said as he went inside the car.
"Boi! Don't Mama Jinyoung me! Your ass belongs too Jin! I'm not willing to have another child! You all are little brats!" Jinyoung spat as he slapped the back of Jimin's neck.

(Defsoul_AgustD_Ars starting)

"Come on Y/N hurry." jinyoung said. "Im coming my feet hurt i cant go faster." jinyoung just laughs. "Actually me and Y/N already have plan to go for lunch somewhere."

"We do." You said and jungkook nudged his elbow at your arm. "I mean we do." You say and jungkook puts his arm around you. "Oh ok have fun." Jinyoung said and you and jungkook walked away.

"Are we really doing the lunch." you ask getting in his car. "Of course why do you think i said it."

"Oh ya." You blushed at the stupid question you asked. "Um where are we going to eat." You asked looking out the window.

"Y/F/R." (your favorite restaurant) "Oh yay." You were happy and smiled at jungkook. "Oh your adorable." He said. "I-I a- wh-hat." You was and stuttered. "Nothing." He winked at you.

//15 min later//

"Ok we are here." he got out and open the door for you. "Oh thanks you to walked in and sat down near the window.

You guys looked at the menu and ordered. "So Y/N how have you been."

"Um good." You say and question why he was asking you that. "Hey can i tell you something." Jungkook said. "Um yes."

"I love you."

"You you w-h-hat." You were shocked and taken back. "I love you." He said it so simply.

"We barely meet you cant." You ask

"You dont remember me do you Y/N."


"Do you not remember highschool together." He started to explain and you got a flash back.

//Flash back//

"Hey penny." A kid said in the hallway. Jungkook gave you the nickname when you two were younger and he was the only one that could call you that you hated it but loved when he called you that.

"Don't call you that." You said and looked at the kid. "Why penny." He said and came closer to you. "What don't you get from don't call me that." you say getting mad.

"Well You d-."

"YA." Someone said behind you. "Leave her alone she told you not to call her that now stop." Jungkook step in front of you and was ready to slap the guy. "Ok." The guy was scared and left.

Jungkook turned around.
and hugged me. "Im the only one that can call you that." He said and kissed your cheek.

//end of flashback//

"Oh my gosh." Everything started coming back.
"Now i remember." You were shocked and now the feeling they were coming back.

"I have been in love with you and have always since we were little."

"Jungkook i love you too." Jungkook didn't hesitate getting up and kissing you. He sat back down and looked at you. "Your so beautiful when you blush~" He said and you blush more.

//30 min later//

"Hey guys." You walk in and see everyone staring at you and jungkook. Then you realize you guys are holding hands.

You gasp and take your hand out of his. "Woah what going on here." Jin say and gets up. "Y/N and i are dating." Jungkook says and puts his arm around you.

You look up at him surprised he just said it. "Really." Mark said. "Yes." Jungkook said.

"Oh wow." some of the boys were said but happy for you guys. "Are you really Y/N."

"Yes we are." You look up at jungkook and he leans down and kisses you. "EWWWWW." yugyeom screamed and so did jimin.
Special Thanks to Defsoul_AgustD_Ars
For collaborating with me and Finally finishing this for 5 part series for me!!!❤️❤️Hope everyone has an amazing day!

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