Special Chapter: Youngjae- "Who said you are going out?"

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Happy Birthday to the Cute Sunshine of the group I hope you had an amazing birthday! You probably did! I love you so much! This imagine goes out to all of my Youngjae stans (Me ^^)
You put on your one of your favourite salmon comfy sweater and some high denim shorts. The shorts were stuck to you so you could see your curves perfectly. You didn't seem to care because you were just meeting up with your friends.
One person did seem to care.

Even though you lived with Got7 you weren't always in the dorm. You'd go out with friends or have occasional dates with boys but they were jerks so you never thought of having a boyfriend. You had to live with a bunch of dorks because sadly one of the dorks is your brother. You had to stay with Mark because your parents were going to stay in America due to their company sky rocketing. Let's just say after the wild party you threw last when they were gone, they decided you should stay with your brother. You thought all of the boys were decent looking except for one of them... Choi Youngjae was his name according to Mark. He was all you wanted in a man but sadly you thought he'd never go for you since your a WildChild and he is a happy, calm and collective.

Little did you know the boy had feelings for you too. The last time you had a proper convo was a month ago when you came back home a little tipsy.
Apparently he helped you vomit and eat and get into bed. You thanked him in the morning. (Now back to the present)
"There you go and...done." You sighed. You finally finished doing your hair and now you were off to go.
You quickly applied a thin layer of crimson lipstick and went downstairs.
"Y/N Mark and the rest are not here so... h-e-ee t-told..." Youngjae stuttered then paused and became redder than ever. Youngjae looked up and you then looked down at the ground.

"What did he tell you?" You asked him as you lifted up his chin so you could see his face.
Your eyes connect.
Your face became red along with his.
You snapped out of it.
You grabbed your bag and tried to opened the door before you could he grabbed your wrist.
"Who said you're going out?" Youngjae questioned you.
"I told myself I was" You answered him.
"Well if you are you have to change!" He commanded you.
"Why?" You ask him.
"Well because you look too sexy" He exclaimed.

Before you could say another word he pulled you into a kiss.
You wondered how such a cute and innocent man turned into such a lustful beast.
"Jump!" He whispered into your ear.
You jumped and put your legs around him and he carried you upstairs into his room to carry on what you started downstairs.

Let's just say your lips weren't the only thing he was tasting.
(Sorry not sorry)
Sorry for turning Youngjae into a beast! My writing was just flowing! I didn't plan this! I finally finished this imagine! Next up is Last Got7 and Bts Chapter Pt.5 is coming out soon! Stay tuned! Love you guys!

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