The game began...
"Salsa!" Yugyeom shouted. You started to do salsa. "Correct! Irish jig" Yugyeom said as he started to giggle. You quickly thought about what to do. Finally it came to your mind. You started to do the Irish jig. "Correct Again! Wow you are really good at this" Yugyeom said surprised.
"Ok now it's your turn" You said as you gave him a smirk. He was dying inside ( in a good way ;)) .
"Ok Yugyeom do... Capoeira" You demanded. He stood there confused. "Yugyeom does-n't k-no-w Capoeira!" You said as you stopped in between laughs. "Aeygo Time!!" You shouted. He started to blush and look down. After a few seconds he started to forget about everything and started to do it. "Y/N can you wive me fome candy pwetty pweese?!" He said as he did some little cute actions.
"Aww Yuggie you are soooo precious but can you do the Gwiyomi song?" You ask as you pout. He nods then starts to sing the song.The song finished. He was about to get up from the couch but then he leaned forward and gave you a kiss on your cheek .
" Was that kiss from Yuggie or Yugyeom?" You questioned him with cute smile planted on your face. " Does it matter?" He asked and leaned in only to kiss you again on the cheek and run off giggling."Yugyeom-ah! Come back here you giant baby!" You scream as you run after him. You finally catch up to him.
" Yugyeom, Why did you kiss me?" You asked him. "Why don't you like it ?" He replied. "I do! I don't m-" you say as you were interrupted by Yugyeom kissing you not on the cheek but the lips. His face went red like a tomato he ran off as his adorable giggle trailed behind him."AISH YOU GIANT BABY COME BACK!" You shout as you run after him.
I know this imagine was bad sorry!
Thank you @tengayness_nct_luwoo
For requesting this!!
Next imagine coming out on Monday or Tuesday!!😘