kth - You're My Baby

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Title: The Only Thing I Know is You're My Baby

by: rapsucka (sonyeondanbiased)

Series: pt. 2 of The Kink Bingo

Plot: Taehyung has always needed and Yoongi has always been more than willing to give

rimming for kink bingo

Contains: Heat sex, Hybrid, Multiple orgasms, rimming, fingerfucking, sloppy seconds

Ship: TaeGi (KTH,MYG)



Yoongi pushes the door shut behind him, the wind making it slam against the door frame. Yoongi flinches. Taehyung hates loud noises.

He toes off his shoes by the door, dropping his keys into the little clay dish on the small end table in the corner. It was a gift, from Taehyung, on their first anniversary, a misshapen little bowl made of salt dough and painted with little purple paw prints. Tae didn't actually have paws, of course, normal hands just like Yoongi, bigger and warmer and so incredibly soft; but the paw prints always reminded Yoongi of Taehyung anyway.

The house is eerily silent, and Yoongi is mildly concerned. Taehyung is always working on something, off in a different room of the apartment every time, and it's always moderately noisy, or messy; whether it's tying paper mâché birds to the blades of the ceiling fan or painting a mural on the bottom of the dining room table. Yoongi pads into the living room, peeking underneath the couch and under suspiciously lumpy piles of blankets before walking into the hall. He had taken Taehyung in as a stray, nearly 5 years ago. It had been not even 6 months since Yoongi had left home, baby faced and bleary eyed and starving his way through college, living in his parent's townhouse but being too proud to ask for food money after spending his monthly allotment on photography equipment. Taehyung was the puppy digging through his trash, knocking over his potted plants and curling up underneath his doormat during storms, and Yoongi was so, so close to losing him after his circumstantial dieting began, Taehyung having no reason to stick around if Yoongi didn't have any leftovers to throw out.

Seokjin found him underneath his front porch, after weeks of being awoken in the middle of the night by the expected crash and bang of having an stray inadvertently living off him. It took 3 baths using nearly every product Yoongi owned before Taehyung could be let onto the furniture, but he seemed to have a 6th sense for whoever Yoongi didn't like, clawing and hissing at them as Yoongi hid a private smile, and Seokjin made sure both of them were well-fed for the rest of the semester. ("I can't believe you didn't tell me you were struggling Yoongi, I should've known you were losing weight when you started wearing a belt for the first time in your life. Me and Namjoon can't even begin to eat all the food I make at our house, and after all this time you could've been eating full meals...") Adopting Taehyung that winter turned out to be really cost effective, diminishing any need for a heating unit when Taehyung kept curled around him during the night, the evening, the afternoon, any time he could get Yoongi to keep still long enough to wrap himself around him.

Taehyung disappeared several times within those first couple years, sometimes in tears when he was feeling neglected, sometimes simply wondering out the door with the clothes on his back and returning a few days later with a sheepish smile and a bouquet of wildflowers that he never explained where he found. Some days, when Yoongi returns home, he can't help but worry that Taehyung will have wandered off again, decided he was destined to become a safari animal he read about in a book or concluded that his time with Yoongi was spent, running off like the wild animal he always was at heart and never returning.

"Baby boy," Yoongi calls, softer, padding down the hall, gently pushing open doors along the way. Taehyung meets him in the doorway of their bedroom, wrapped up in the entirety of the king-size bedding, dragging three layers of blankets along the floor as he peeks his head cautiously around the door frame.

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