jhs - Little

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Title: A Little Less Fuck Off, A Little More Fuck Me

By: deannach_na_realtai

Plot: Yoongi knows Hoseok works hard.

(Or, Yoongi wraps himself up as a little sex gift and Hoseok has never been more in love or more turned on in his entire life)

Contains: Light BDSM, Light Dom/Sub, Light Bondage, Praise Kink

Ship: MYG, JHS (YoonSeok)

A/N: For inking brushes.


It's all Hoseok can do to roll himself out of bed for his 6am shift.

He's hit the snooze button too many times and has the shorter end of fifteen minutes to get dressed and get out the door. His job at the grocery store isn't bad - he doesn't mind it - but the morning shifts are going to kill him.

He sits on the edge of the bed and tries not to fall asleep sitting up, when he feels the bed dip behind him.

"Do you have to go to work today," a deep, sleep-laden voice mumbles into his bare shoulder and it's the only thing that could make him smile at this time of day.

"Gotta make money for us, Yoongi," he says back, laughing a little at the disgruntled huff he gets in return.

"I'll be back at noon, it's not a really long shift today."

"That's six hours!" Yoongi whines, hands snaking up around Hoseok's neck. He bites softly into the skin of his shoulder; Hoseok sighs.

"Don't do that to me, I have to go to work," Hoseok tries his best to sound annoyed, but he's so tired, and Yoongi is so warm.

The next thing he knows the warmth is gone, replaced by cold air and a last soft scrape of fingernails before he hears Yoongi shift and turn back over to sleep again.

"Go," Yoongi yawns, "wouldn't want you getting fired."

Hoseok hates morning shifts.


"You're not awake."

Hoseok blinks up at the person currently bagging groceries at the end of his register. Park Jimin, who is always way too perky at 6:30 in the morning, is grinning back at him, barely even looking as he throws boxed dinners in the plastic bags.

"Keen observation," Hoseok tries for venom, because he's annoyed and tired and doesn't want to be here right now, with the lady in front of him glaring and fidgeting while he scans each of her five million coupons.

"Ma'am, this coupon expired yesterday," he explains, mustering as much of a smile as he can, "and you didn't get this cereal."

The woman huffs. "Of course I did! You must have just missed it."

Hoseok clenches his teeth and stares Jimin down as he rustles through the bags he just stacked neatly in the shopping cart.

"I don't see it, ma'am. Would you like me to get you a box?" Jimin says easily, all smiles. The woman just huffs again, says "No", and snatches the coupon back before paying.

Hoseok thanks her with a tight throat and doesn't look at Jimin again until their morning rush has died down.

"I need ten shots of soju and a really good back massage," Hoseok says once the customers are (mostly) gone. Jimin squeezes his shoulder.

"I know you've been working a lot lately," he says, sympathy-laden. "How's Yoongi?"

"He's fine."

Hoseok feels a rush of sadness come over him. He misses Yoongi. He's been working long hours with hardly any days off lately, usually closing the store and coming home after his boyfriend has long since passed out, even with an empty mug next to him that once held coffee.

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