⌜ six ⌟

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jeno quickly stood up and sat down next to mark as soon as their teacher left the classroom

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jeno quickly stood up and sat down next to mark as soon as their teacher left the classroom.

go back to your seat if you don't want any trouble.❞ mark said, not giving jeno a glance and just continued writing notes

jeno crossed his arms ❝i never got the chance to ask you this..

mark placed a hand on his chest and dramatically turned to jeno with his mouth agape ❝jeno.. i'm..

jeno hit his bestfriend's head ❝you idiot, i'm not asking you out. you are not renjun.


everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and turned to mark who was now being strangled by jeno.

renjun took his earphones off his ears as he noticed his classmates looking behind him. he turned his head around and giggled when he saw jeno strangling mark.

FRIENDLY DATE!❞ jeno continued what mark said

the students shouted in a teasing way, making renjun furrow his brows in confusion.

he nudged his seatmate who was wiggling his brows at him, teasing him.

jeno is asking you out on a date.❞ he said

jeno heard it and he lets go of mark ❝I SAID A FRIENDLY DATE!

renjun giggled and nodded his head ❝we can have a friendly date.

jeno's face turned bright red. he avoided renjun and is now looking at mark who is coughing.

i don't even know why you are my bestfriend.❞ jeno pouted and buried his head on the palms of his hands.

mark smiled at how embarrassed his friend is ❝welcome.

but it's just a friendly date.

the older shrugged ❝it's not my fault.❞ it was jeno who shouted that he wants a friendly date, not him.

seconds later jeno raised his head and now remembered the real reason why he went to sit next to mark.

why did you leave me last wednesday?❞ jeno questioned as he remembered mark standing at the middle of the cafeteria, watching the birthday surprise ❝and then you suddenly grabbed this boy and dragged him out of the cafeteria.

mark pressed his lips into a thin line ❝w-well..❞ he can't tell jeno about him going back to 13 years ago. plus, even if he tells him the younger would just laugh and not believe him. ❝i just want to greet him a happy birthday!

stupid reason but that was the first thing that came out from his mind.

jeno rolled his eyes ❝yeah sure. since when did you start caring for birthdays? you don't even remember mine.

mark scoffed ❝february 5.❞ feeling confident

jeno let out a sigh ❝i'm very disappointed. that's jisung's birthday!

mark furrowed his brows ❝i thought his was on april 23?

THAT'S MINE!❞ jeno face palmed ❝how did you become the vice president of the school when you can't even remember your bestfriends' birthdays.

mark giggled ❝oh right! i remember you holding a party and i accidentally wrote jisung on the cake when it's your birthday.❞ he remembered jaemin laughing at the cake and renjun ran his finger through the icing and placed in on jeno's nose.

donghyuck sang a ballad verson of a birthday song to jeno and it only made mark fall even deeper in love. donghyuck's voice was one of the many reasons why he loved him.

loved. everything changed and he started hating the younger.

but now he wasn't thinking about his hatred for him, he was finding a solution to fix this mess. he didn't know how and why he went back to 13 years ago, and why he is the only one who noticed it.

but after bumping into donghyuck, he is starting to doubt if the younger doesn't know about it or was just acting as if he doesn't know.

what? since when did that happen?❞ jeno raised a brow

the older froze from his place. he completely forgot that it didn't happen yet. ❝wait maybe it was just one of the movies i watched.❞ he laughed awkwardly

right..❞ jeno place his head down at the table ❝so he's donghyuck?


the guy you dragged away.❞ jeno said ❝i mean you've been looking for this donghyuck guy ever since the morning on that day.

mark knew things would just get worse if he tells him the wrong thing ❝yeah he is donghyuck.

what could go wrong if jeno would know donghyuck earlier than the actual time he will meet him?

jeno smiled ❝so donghyuck is the guy yukhei is dating.

hearing that made mark frown. he has no right to get mad or jealous. who is donghyuck to him this time around? he wasn't even supposed to meet him until the day chenle introduces his friends to them.

he was changing the past, and he is afraid that the future is also going to be affected.

and then there's donghyuck calling him love. he actually thought that it's only him that knows about going back to 13 years back in time. there's no way donghyuck doesn't know when he called him love.

donghyuck must be planning something to make him act like he doesn't know.

is he trying to change the future?

jeno hummed ❝what did you say?

mark shook his head ❝it's nothing.

but if you're thinking about this donghyuck guy, it's something.❞ jeno found mark different these past few days ❝you don't usually go and drag a person you don't know.

i said it's nothing

you like him, do you?❞ jeno poked his friend ❝too bad he already has yukhei.

a person then came to mark's mind.

he's going to find jungwoo.

t b c

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