Something Like Alchemy

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Upon further contemplation (away from Lena Luthor's mesmerising face), Kara decided that no, quidditch being cancelled was absolutely not alright. Her cheeks turned bright red as she paced back and forth in Professor J'onzz's office, gesticulating wildly as she ranted and raved. She had gathered James, Alex, the rest of the Hufflepuff team and whoever else she could assemble from the other quidditch teams in order to mount her protest.

"We were counting on playing quidditch this season! Not just to fight for the cup—which Hufflepuff totally would have won by the way—" she directed to James and Alex, who rolled their eyes in response, "—but some of us were hoping to be scouted for the league after Hogwarts. Right, James? Barry?" she implored her friends, and they both nodded vigorously. "They can't just cancel quidditch in our seventh year! They just can't, it's—it's not fair! Who cares about this stupid tournament anyway?" Kara crossed her arms over her chest and resisted the urge to kick something like a child.

James grinned, a little bashful. "I mean, I do. I've already entered my name," he announced proudly, and was met with murmured congratulations and pats on the back from the others.

Kara sighed impatiently, pinching at the bridge of her nose. "That's great for you, James—really—and you'd make a great champion, I hope you get chosen—but what about the rest of us? What about the teams? And the school? Quidditch gives everyone something to look forward to between Snapper's four-foot long Potions essays and memorising endless incantations and wand movements for Charms. Quidditch is more than just a sport. It brings the school together in the spirit of sportsmanship and competition. It gives us an escape from nearly figuratively dying from boredom in History of Magic, and from nearly literally dying at the hands of some venomous cactus in Herbology! Hogwarts needs quidditch! Hogwarts without quidditch is just—it's just—it's just a castle!"

Kara gave her speech with such passion that tears sprung into her eyes and a lump formed in her throat. She swallowed it down and turned around to face her fellow quidditch players, arms beseechingly outstretched. "They're not taking quidditch away without a fight. Who's with me?!"

"I am!" James declared, standing abruptly. Alex, Barry, and the rest of the Hufflepuff team jumped up too, and soon enough, Kara had everyone in the room on side. She spun around to fix Professor J'onzz with a broad grin.

Professor J'onzz, Care of Magical Creatures professor and Hufflepuff's head of house, was a serious man. He was kind, gentle, and there for his Hufflepuffs or any other student whenever they needed him.

Kara Danvers, however, had proven to be somewhat of a challenge for him ever since she trundled into his office in her first year, wearing slightly too-long robes and a frustrated pout. The girl had an unshakable sense of justice and, apparently, the fact that first years weren't allowed to play quidditch was an injustice of the highest offence.

Since her first year, Kara Danvers had dragged a reluctant yet supportive Professor J'onzz into many campaigns against perceived injustices at Hogwarts, such as: the lack of a consistent detention policy, the fact that the kitchens were out of bounds to students (not that this ever stopped Kara), or there was the time when Kara discovered that a book she wanted to read was in the restricted section simply because it featured two witches in a romantic relationship ("What is this? The Muggle world??").

Needless to say, Professor J'onzz was no stranger to being dragged into Professor Grant's office by the young witch.

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