The second task

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Kara blinked down at the substance Maggie had palmed into her hand. It was slimy, stringy, and gross-looking.

"What is this?"

"Gillyweed," Maggie answered.

"And I'm supposed to do what with it?"

"Put it in your mouth."

" it?"

"Yup. Right down the hatchet."


Kara's stomach was churning enough already, with less than an hour before the task was due to begin and Alex and Maggie coming through with their 'leave it to us' idea at pretty much the last minute. The slippery, green plant currently moistening her hand didn't exactly help the nausea.

"What does it do?"

"Well, it's supposed to let you breathe underwater. You'll sprout gills, your feet will go all webby, the whole deal."

"Huh." Kara squelched the plant in her palm. "Cool."

"According to Alex, it should let you breathe underwater for an hour."

"Wait, what do you mean, should?"

Maggie chuckled skittishly and scratched at her head. "Well, Alex says there's debate amongst herbologists about the effects of saltwater versus fresh..."

"Great. Let's hope we don't find out when I'm at the bottom of the lake," Kara muttered.

"That's the spirit."

Kara sighed, pulling her dressing gown closer around her to fend off a breeze. They were standing on the gravelly shore, just near a fleet of rowboats ready and set to carry them across to stands that floated out in the middle of the lake. Groups of students pottered into the boats, which glided across the glassy, black surface of the water once they were full.

Kara swallowed as she stared out across the lake. She thought of all the times she had nagged Alex about wanting to go for a swim during the summer, when the muggy heat made her robes cling to sweat-soaked skin. Right now, the water reflected the dreary clouds above, heavy with almost-rain. Diving into the lake was a thoroughly uninviting prospect, especially considering whatever might be lurking beneath the surface.

"Where is Alex? She should be here," Kara said, toes shifting the gravel in agitation. She hadn't seen Alex since the library, since Lena...since Lena left. When Kara had returned to their desk after their...conversation, Alex and Maggie were scrambling together excitedly, a paper clutched in Alex's fist, telling Kara they had the answer before sprinting, full pelt, away from the library without further explanation or pause to ask why Kara's eyes were so red.

"Oh, she was called to Professor Grant's office last night for some reason...huh. Come to think of it, she never came back to bed."

Kara blinked. "You're...not a very good girlfriend."

"I fell asleep!" Maggie whined in protest. "I'm sure she'll be here. Maybe Professor Grant needed her help setting up or something. You know how much of a teacher's pet she can be," Maggie chirped and nudged Kara's arm.

Kara pursed her lips and stood on her toes to look over the mass of students piling into the little boats, straining her eyes for a glimpse of auburn hair, but to no avail. Maggie nudged her arm again, reassuringly this time rather than teasing.

"Hey," she said, smiling gently. "She'll be here. When has your sister ever let you down?"

"Never," Kara murmured, though the inside of her cheek remained firmly trapped between her teeth. There was a storm raging on inside her, lightning bolts of nerves and fear and anxiety striking against her skeleton. She knew that if Alex were here, she would be able to calm down enough to believe she could actually do this. Alex was her refuge, the eye of the storm when everything around her was falling apart.

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