Settle in

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Sorry that I've been away school is near which I got to get ready and all but I'll try my hardest to write content for you guys💕

When Kara and her golden egg pottered into the Hufflepuff common room after the task, the eagerly awaiting students cheered and begged her to open it to reveal the clue inside. Unable to resist the curiosity herself, she twisted the latch at the top of the egg—and instantly regretted it. What sounded like a chorus of screaming banshees ripped from the egg, making everyone in the room cover their ears until Kara struggled to clamp the egg shut.

"What the hell kind of clue is that supposed to be?" Alex gasped shakily, glaring out from the safety of underneath Maggie's arm.

"Maybe...maybe I should try again," Kara suggested optimistically, though altogether naively in hindsight. Winn always said something about 'turning it off an on again' to get muggle devices to work, so perhaps it would be the same with the egg. She undid the latch once again and the entire common room cried out when the screams erupted from the egg—only for a second as Kara immediately snapped it shut, casting a bashful glance around the room. "Nope, that didn't work."

"Okay, never open that thing near me again," Alex seethed and rubbed sorely at her ears.


After a long night of celebrating, Kara was relieved to finally curl up in bed with the egg by her side. Inevitably, her thoughts wandered to the conversation she'd had with Lena, and she wondered if Lena really was going to find out the truth and how she would react when she did. Eventually, she settled into a restless sleep, her dreams filled with fire breathing dragons and Lex's piercing stare, his icy voice echoing in her brain: what are you?

The owl was tapping on her window for almost a minute when she eventually blinked herself awake, scowling as she blearily swiped at the latch in complete disorientation. The cool night air shocked her out of her drowsy state as the handsome eagle owl hopped in and deposited the letter on her lap before flying off again.

Kara sat bolt upright. She would recognise that elegant handwriting anywhere, but only in her wildest fantasies had it ever spelled out her own name. After fumbling to place her glasses askew on her face, she tore open the envelope and smoothed out the paper, heart thumping as she read.


I did as you asked. I can believe Lex would do such a thing, but I can't believe how blind I was this whole time. I suppose I didn't want to see the truth. I cannot forgive him for what he has done to you. The worst part is, he did it to protect me, or so he says. I don't really know what to believe anymore. This whole thing is my fault, really. I'm sorry I pushed you away, when really you should have been the one pushing me away.
I can't be in the same room as him right now, so I'll stay with Lillian tonight, until I can arrange something more permanent tomorrow.
I just had to say I'm sorry. I am so sorry, Kara. I hope you can forgive me, but I understand if you can't.


Kara finished reading the letter once, and then twice, jaw clenching when she noticed the damp spots on the parchment. She read the letter until the words blurred before her eyes and she couldn't think straight. Lena knew the truth now, and it seemed she was finally done with following after Lex. Kara's thoughts ran furiously through her head, but one thing in the letter stuck out to her.

When Lena said she would stay with Lillian, did she mean Lillian as in her mother Lillian, Surely not.

Kara had to be sure.

Kara leapt out of bed and stuffed herself into her green Holyhead Harpies hoodie, grabbed her broomstick from under her bed and tiptoed out of the dormitory.

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