Luthors and Kryptonians

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Maybe I might do a sequel...??

February bled into March, then sped into April which disappeared in what felt like an instant. Hogwarts thawed, and came alive. Snow melted off the trees, leaves grew back on their branches, and flowers burst open across the grounds.

Kara broke her scoring streak during quidditch practice, passed her apparition test on the fourth try, failed a potions project, slaved over a cauldron for nine hours straight to make up for it, broke Alex's telescope, did Alex's Charms homework for a week to say sorry, tried (and failed) to teach Lena how to ride a broomstick by herself, snuck into Hogsmeade with the Superfriends via the one-eyed-witch's tunnel for a pancake eating challenge at The Three Broomsticks (and won), and properly felt like a relatively normal student for the first time all year.

Even things with Lex were on the up and up. He started joining them occasionally during meals and for study sessions, they had two more game nights (a round of Wizardopoly that ended with Winn flipping the board when Lex bankrupted him in one go saw that game banned from all future game nights), and he joined Kara, James, Barry, Alex, Maggie and Mon-el for some friendly casual quidditch practice every now and then.

That being said, he did spend a lot of time on his own, working on some project or another that he was all very hush hush about. It worked out alright though; it gave Lena space to be her own person, to pursue her own interests.

One evening, Kara walked in on Lena at their table in the library, poring over a stack of papers with a look of intense concentration on her face. It was the look that had made Kara fall for her at the start of the year, really: brow furrowed, lips pinched to one side. Kara melted a little when she saw it, and sank down into the seat next to Lena, where she hooked her chin over her shoulder.

"Whatcha got there?"

Lena finished the sentence she was writing before she answered. "It's an application...for an internship program at St Mungo's Hospital."


"Mmhm," Lena hummed and filled out another box. Her long eagle-feather quill batted Kara in the face as she wrote. "Everyone has always just assumed I would work at Luthor Corp after graduation, but I don't know. There's a whole world outside of my family; I have so many options I haven't considered."

Kara smiled warmly, tracing circles over the small of Lena's back. "You can be anything you want to be. St Mungo's would be lucky to have you," she said. In the back of her mind, she was thinking about how St Mungo's was just around the corner from the Holyhead Harpies' training ground, which, if everything went according to plan at the quidditch match, would be where Kara would be heading after Hogwarts.

Lena smiled and turned her head to peck the tip of Kara's nose. "Plus, it would make Lillian furious," she added cheerily.

All in all, things were pretty great.

And they got even better when Lillian had to fly back to Beauxbatons for a little while to take care of some important matter or another.

Kara had never seen Lena so carefree. She was practically skipping into the great hall on a Saturday morning during breakfast, making Kara miss her mouth with a forkful of waffles as she flung her arms around Kara's neck from behind and her face appeared on Kara's shoulder.

"Morning, darling," she said, her voice bright like the sun that streamed in through the windows.

"Someone's in a good mood," Kara laughed, and her waffles found their mark on a second attempt.

Kara felt Lena grinning against her cheek, and when Kara turned to her with a bemused expression, Lena kissed the crinkle that must have been pulling at her brows. It was strange for Lena to be so openly affectionate like this in the great hall, where anyone could see them. But the chair where Lillian usually sat and judged everyone from above was blissfully empty. Lena didn't have to surveil herself, or hold herself back. She could

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