Chapter 9 Part 1

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Guys sorry that I'm lacking on writing I've been crazy busy I started school like a three days ago and I've been sleepy and tired I also play sports so I got practice but I've been writing I'll try to get I Wanna Be A SuperHero updated but I've also been writing this which had 11173 words but it was to long so I could not publish it so I'll cut it in half so this is part one of chapter 9 so I'm very sorry but hope you guys do enjoy my this chapter💕

"I don't know what I'm going to do when you graduate, Kara. How am I supposed to go on without my main ice cream supplier?"

Kara grinned around a spoonful of ice cream at her friend and teacher, Professor Diana Prince. She sat on top of a desk in the Defence Against The Dark Arts classroom, legs crossed underneath her with an enormous sundae in her lap.

Diana Prince had been in Kara's life ever since she and Kal became best friends in Kal's third year. Kal had convinced the elders to allow her to visit Krypton the summer before the village was destroyed, making Diana one of a handful of people in the world who remembered what it was like. For Kara, having Diana around in the years after was immeasurably important. Diana was proof outside of her and Kal that Krypton was real, it existed, and they could smile together about how the sun bathed the oak trees in orange light as it dipped behind Rao, knowing they were imagining the exact same trees. Having Diana helped her remember the beauty of her home, not just the pain.

"Don't worry, Professor Prince," Kara chuckled, popping a syrup-covered marshmallow in her mouth. "I'll put a good word in for you with the house elves."

"Hm, it won't be the same though," Diana hummed. "So, Professor Grant tells me you and your partner will be opening the ball with a dance. How goes the search?" she asked, eyes sparking teasingly.

Kara groaned and dropped her cheek glumly into the palm of her hand. "Do you and Professor Grant have lunch together just to talk about my own personal misery?"

"Sometimes," Diana said with a light shrug, then smirked deviously. "And other times we're otherwise too preoccupied to talk about anything at all."

Kara wrinkled her nose in complete revulsion. "Gross, Diana, I do not need to hear about—about that!"

"What?" she asked innocently. "Professor Grant has an impressive record collection and we both happen to be music lovers. And that's Professor Prince to you, Kara, at least until you graduate," she chastised with a click of her tongue.

"Oh come on! I've known you for years. We've spent Christmases together! I've seen you in your nightgown for goodness sake!" Kara complained, and Diana tossed her head back with a musical laugh.

"And now I'm your teacher, and I will fail you if you don't treat me with the respect I deserve," she said imperiously.

"How am I supposed to take you seriously when I've seen you running around the Danvers' backyard in your underwear, drunk off of eggnog, screaming about how you're some sort of magical warrior demi-goddess?" Kara deadpanned.

"Who are you to say I'm not?" Diana challenged, stoic chin thrust in the air. "And you're avoiding the question. Who will be the lucky man to take Kara Danvers, Triwizard champion, to the ball? Or woman, I'm not presuming anything," Diana said with a casual shrug.

Kara hesitated with her spoon halfway between her bowl and her mouth before she set it back down and adjusted her glasses. "Well...there is someone I've been thinking about asking," Kara admitted and drew in a nervous breath. "She—" Kara added a little emphasis, and Diana didn't even flinch, "—is in my potions class. We've become close friends and I...I like her. A lot," Kara confessed, and saying the words out loud filled her with an inexplicable combination of relief, happiness, and sheer terror.

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