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When they arrived in the Hufflepuff common room, the preparations for a party were well underway. Hufflepuffs could always be counted on to throw an amazing party, even with little-to-no warning at all.

Trays upon trays of food were smuggled out of the kitchens (thanks in no small part to the goodwill Kara had generated amongst the house elves over her years at Hogwarts), the couches and tables had been pushed to the side to make room, and music was reverberating off the walls as she was carried in to a chorus of cheers.

Kara was eventually set down in front of Winn, who grinned and clapped her on the back.

"Nice PR move there, Kara, don't tell anyone you're entering and just sneak in from behind! The whole school is going nuts! I've got your merch all planned out already," he announced gleefully. "Shirts, buttons, hats, the whole deal. What colours do you like? Besides Hufflepuff yellow, of course."

"Uhh, blue and red are alright," replied automatically, her brain still swirling with complete despair.

"I can work with that!" Winn grinned and scurried off into the crowd.

The crowd then parted (or rather, was pushed aside) by a very unhappy Alex Danvers, who looked like she might start breathing fire at any moment. It was like she didn't know whether she wanted to cry or punch her...probably both. 

"Alex, I swear I didn't—"

But before Kara could get her words out, she was interrupted by the loud, slow claps of James Olsen, who emerged from the crowd with a dark scowl on his face.

"Well done, Kara. Not telling anyone you entered, that was a nice touch. Really went for the element of surprise with that one. I'm sorry, should I bow in your presence, oh Chosen One?" He bent low in a sarcastic bow.

"James, I—"

"Why did you do it?" James continued, and hurt contorted his face. "You knew how badly I wanted this, so you just went ahead and entered without telling me? You're already quidditch captain, isn't that enough? Or do you need more attention?"

Kara blinked back at him in complete disbelief. First, there was the stab of his words that hit her right in her chest, and then, the red hot coil of anger that unfurled from her belly and flushed her cheeks and made her clench her fists.

"Are you serious? Is that what you think?" she snapped, her voice trembling with barely contained rage and frustration.

James shrugged stubbornly and crossed his arms. "It sure is what it looks like from here."

Kara exhaled shakily and pinched at the bridge of her nose. "Will you stop for one second and just listen to me? No one is listening to me!" she yelled. The music and the chatter died down, but Kara barely registered that everyone was looking at them. "I. Didn't. Put. My. Name. In. That. Cup. I don't want this."

James scoffed incredulously, shaking his head. "That's crap, Kara. You just can't handle the reality that you've been chosen. You're not brave enough, and you know it," he said coolly, and Kara shattered, feeling angry, hot tears spring to her eyes, but she held them back.

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