The Yule Ball

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Im a dumbass I just saw a message from @pokishoot so thank u for that I just saw that I forgot to upload A CHAPTER WTF  so here is that chapter ENJOY so now read this one then the next chapter again if u want too❤️

It was Kara's first Christmas at Hogwarts. Every year before, Christmas had meant packing up and shipping back to the Danvers family home, where she spent the holiday with Alex, Jeremiah, Eliza, Kal—when he could get time off work—and Diana often made an appearance too.

Kara loved Christmas.

Krypton didn't celebrate Christmas, so when she came downstairs during her first December with the Danvers, Kara had been incredibly confused to find a giant fir tree standing in the middle of the living room.

"Alex," she'd whispered, shaking her sister awake.

Alex groaned, and blinked her eyes open after another of Kara's insistent prods. "What? Did you have a nightmare?" she asked, rubbing sleep from concerned eyes.

Kara shook her head, fingertips pressed together. "I think Jeremiah's gone crazy. There's...there's a tree in the living room." Alex's puzzled expression gave way to warm laughter, and she pulled Kara into her bed to tell her all about the holiday.

Kara instantly fell in love with everything about Christmas: the decorations, the presents, the food...everything was so bright and cheerful, which was exactly what she needed when her world was anything but.

So this year, waking up in her tinsel and holly-embellished bunk in the Hufflepuff dormitory on Christmas morning was a new experience. She was, of course, sad to be missing out on seeing Eliza and Jeremiah, but she was also incredibly excited to be spending her first Christmas at Hogwarts with her friends, who were really more like family now too.

Christmas morning was spent in the Gryffindor common room, Kara wearing her dressing gown and Niffler slippers, exchanging gifts and laughter with her friends. By the end of the morning, Kara had acquired a new pair of quidditch goggles from Alex, a pair of socks with cartoon dragons printed on them from Maggie ("much less terrifying than the real thing"), and about a years' worth of sweets from James and Winn. Jeremiah and Eliza had also sent Christmas cards and matching leather-bound journals for her and Alex.

Lena met up with them after breakfast, as she had been forced to spend the morning with her brother and mother.

"How was it?" Kara asked when Lena joined them in the Great Hall. Her hair was loose from its usual ponytail or bun, and her Beauxbatons uniform had been traded for a pair of jeans and a huge woolly cardigan.

Lena sighed as she sank into the seat next to Kara, and helped herself to a pumpkin pasty from Kara's stack. "It was...quiet. Mother barely said a word. Which was, actually, a bit of an improvement on how she usually is," she hummed thoughtfully as she picked at the pastry with her fingers.

"Hey, Lena!" Winn exclaimed, sliding into the seat opposite them. "Check out my new chess set." He lugged a wooden case onto the table, rattling plates and glasses as he thunked it down.

Lena's eyes grew large as he began unpacking the handsome chess set. "No way," she breathed reverently, "Is this the ChessMaster 2000 deluxe edition?"

"Yep," Winn beamed, "with mahogany pieces and everything. So, what do you say? Want to help me break it in?"

Lena grinned, her eyes flashing at the challenge as she rolled up her sleeves. "You're on."

The morning passed lazily into afternoon, by which time Lena had beaten Winn three times and Kara was nearly full to bursting from lunch and all the sweets she'd eaten. After lunch, they trooped out into the grounds for a snowball fight, which saw Alex and Kara putting their quidditch skills to good use as they unleashed a relentless torrent of snowballs against the others, and culminated in Kara leaping—bodyguard style—in front of Lena to save her from a brutal wave of enchanted snow sent over by Winn.

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