The Hogwarts Letter

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Hey guys! This is my fan fiction on Harry Potter, by JK Rowling. It's about Harry and Ginny Potter's youngest daughter: Lily Luna Potter. I'm not a great writer, but I'm trying 😂 anyway, hope you enjoy!! (By the way, don't mind my typos there will probably be a lot)

Harry Potter and Ginny Potter have three kids: James Sirius Potter (like to joke around and have fun, bit like his uncles: George and Ron), Albus Severus Potter (shy, but nice) and Lily Luna Potter (girly and sweet) and we learn a lot more about her to come! The Potter's live a wonderful wizarding life.

"Dad, Mum!!" Lily said as she opened her bedroom window, letting an owl swoop in.
"There's an owl, from Hogwarts!" She had a huge smile on her face, she knew this was a letter inviting her to the best magic school in the world: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The school her parents had gone to, and her older brothers go to. Harry and Ginny rush in the room, smiling.
" Lily, I'm so proud of you!" Said Harry. They both went up to hug their smiling daughter. A very interrupted looking James walks into the room.
"What's the big deal?" He says impatiently.
"James, watch your tone" Said Ginny, disappointed with his entry
"Ok, but what is the big deal?" He repeated.
"Your sister just got her Hogwarts Letter!" Said Harry.
James just rolls his eyes and walks away.
"We can get your wand, and you can have an owl, or a  cat, or a.. a -" Harry smiled and realised he's getting a bit too excited.
"Your father is very proud" said Ginny, smiling at Lily, who was also smiling.

Lily Potter was very happy and proud that she was FINALLY attending hogwarts! She had heard so much about it! "Mum, can we travel by flu to Granny and Grandpa's house?" She asked her mother, once they were in the kitchen.
"Of course dear, but I'll send an owl to let them know to expect us." Ginny walks away to the window, where there was a writing pad, a quill and some ink.
"Harry, dear, don't you have a meeting with the Minister?" She called out.
Harry rushed in the room, stunned.
"Oh that's right, I do! What would I do without you?" He smiled, then kissed his wife on the cheek and headed to the fireplace.
"Dad, dad! Wait I haven't said goodbye!" Lily runs up to the fireplace and hugs her father.
"Lily, get off dad, he's a busy man, you know" said Albus, coming down the stairs. Lily walked away, and Harry disappeared up in blue flames.
"Ok, James!" Ginny called "get ready to go to Granny and a Grandpa's"
"What, but Mum? Can't I just stay home with Al and look after him, wouldn't it be nice, no boys around? And plus, Albus is a lot to handle, but I got him, don't worry!" James called down from his room. He was definitely a joker.
"James, come down here and don't talk about your brother like that." Ginny ordered, calmly but firmly.
"Mum, I'm only joking" said James, as he teleported to the kitchen.
"James, you know what I've said about teleporting! I know you just got your license, and your excited, but that doesn't mean you get the right to do it anywhere!" Sighed Ginny.
"Yeah, James." Echoed Lily.
"Yeah! Said albus, excited to make fun of his brother, James just rolled his eyes.
"Come on, let's all do this together." Ginny said, grabbing Lily's hand and leading her to stand in the fireplace. "Come on boys." They all clambered into the fireplace.
"Mum, you're really nit with it today, are you?" Sighed James. "You forgot the flu powder!"
"Oh yes, so I did. Be a love Lily, get the powder." Asked Ginny. Lily climbed out of the fireplace and got the powder She got back in, and with a gush of flames, they were off.

A few seconds later, the found themselves in the burrow, their Grandparents' place. Lily ran out of the fireplace calling
for her grandparents.
Molly, Ginny's mum came into sight.
"Oh Lily, what a surprise! You got your letter!" Said Molly, embracing Lily and a hug, but Lily pulled away, glaring at her mother.
"Mum, you told her!!" Lily screamed. "I wanted it to be a surprise!" Lily stormed off, to go find her grandpa.
"Oh, i'm sorry!" Ginny ran after Lily.
"There she goes again. It was always gonna happen sooner or later, they were expecting it, weren't you Granny?" Asked Albus.
"Well, no. I always thought she was a squib, bit of a shock to me, really." Shrugged James.
"Oh nonsense nonsense!! Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley's daughter? A squib? Never!" Laughed Molly, warmly.
"And James, your last year at hogwarts! You excited?"
"Never! I didn't even get head boy." Groaned James.
"You? Head boy? Yikes, hogwarts would be even worse with you as head boy!" Muttered Albus.
"Oh ok, ok! Enough with the little digs ey? Now James, what do you want to be when you leave Hogwarts?" Asked Molly, all eyes on James.
"Huh, imma be the minister for magic of course!" James laughed at the shocked look on Molly's face. "I'm joking woman, honestly! That would be the most boring job! Uncle Ron and Uncle George asked if I'd like to join them in running the joke shop! It's going really well, apparently."
" Oh yes, I heard!" Smiled Molly.
After hours of fun chatting, and owl swooped in through the window, and dropped a letter on Ginny. Ginny opened it and her eyes skimmed through the letter.
"Kids, we need to go home, now! It's your father!" Ordered Ginny. Arthur gasped.
"What's wrong?!" He asked, concerned.
"Not sure, he said to come home straight away.

Later in the Potter household, there was a lot of cuffuffle.
"So you mean to tell me that you sent an 'urgent' owl telling us to come home straight away because dinner was getting cold? Really, Potter? That's real low." Ginny was really frustrated with her husband.
"Hey dad, up top!" Said James, high-fiving his dad. "I was getting super bored."
Harry smiled and went over to the window to send an owl.
"And what do you suppose you're doing now? Sending an owl to the Granger-Weasley's telling them to get all worried too? Please, darling." Ginny sighed at Harry, who just smiled and kissed her forehead.
"Nope, just jetting your parents know there's nothing wrong."


Lily Luna PotterWhere stories live. Discover now