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James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna pushed their trolleys onto kings cross station.
"So many muggles!" Said Lily, to her dad.
"Yep, that's kings cross for ya." Harry put his arm around her daughter, and helped her push her heavy trolley.
"Now, have you got your ring on?" Asked Harry. Lily nodded. They came to a sudden halt.
"Here it is! The barrier between platform nine and platform ten. I'm going first, see ya!" James ran into the barrier, and then disappeared.
"Al, I'll go with you." Harry put his arm around his son and together they ran into the barrier, then disappeared, just like James.
"Mum, I'm scared!" Lily said to her mother.
"Yes, I was very scared my first time with a trolley, too." Said Ginny. "You've done it before, it's exactly the same thus time, except, well you have a trolley. Now, on the count of three. One, two.... three!" And together Lily and Ginny ran into the wall.
Platform 9 3/4 was packed with trolleys, and people gathering to get the last glimpses of their kids before they board the hogwarts express. The boys were there waiting for them. But harry was with Ron and Hermione, chatting happily. Lily walked up to them.
"Hey, Lil. Excited?" Asked Ron.
"Ron, or course she is. She's probably getting that question a lot, so don't bore her." Snapped Hermione.
"Bloody hell, chill." Ron snapped back.
"Hey, both of you chill." Said Harry.
"Now, what are you laughing at?" Ron asked, when he saw Lily giggling at their dispute. She just laughed even more after this. Rose came into sight and walked over to them.
"Hey, Lily! Can I introduce you to some of my friends?" Asked Rose, proudly. "So this is Linda" she pointed to a tall, thin girl with brown hair and lots of freckles.
"Hi!" Said Linda.
"Hi" squeaked Lily, shyly. There were lots more friends of Rose's that were happy to meet her. She wondered why everyone was so please to meet her, she was only a first year, she hadn't even been sorted yet! All the trunks had been loaded up onto the train, so now it was time to board.
"Mum! Dad!" Lily ran up to her parents and gave them a group hug. "I'll miss you both so much! Write to me when you can, don't forget, please!"
"Yes darling, we won't!" Said Ginny, warmly.
"And Lily, make the most of the start of year feast! It's not like that every day. Eat lots, maybe even sneak some in your pocket while you're at it!" Said Harry, laughing.
"Harry!" Ginny elbowed him, and kissed her daughter. "Be careful, be safe, have fun! Oh, and say hello to Professor McGonagall and Professor Longbottom for us!"

Lily ran off, to find her brothers. But they had already boarded, so she boarded alone. She walked up the halls, trying to find a free compartment, but there weren't any, so she settled with one with a girl who looked about her age in it. She walked in.
"Um, hi. Could I please sit here? It's all full." Asked Lily to the girl. The girl turned around to look at her. She had blue eyes and brown hair, she was extremely pretty, in Lily's opinion.
"Sure." She smiled at Lily. "I'm Ava, by the way. Ava Bunn, first year."
"Nice to meet you, I'm Lily Potter, also first year." Said Lily.
"Wow! Really? I mean, are you Harry Potter's daughter?" Asked Ava.
"Oh, well yeah, I guess." Lily was surprised, people knew she was the daughter of Harry Potter, he must be pretty famous.
"You guess?" Ava laughed, warmly, Lily started laughing too.
"Any idea what house you wanna be in?" Ava asked Lily.
"Not really. Well, I'm not smart, and I'm not mean, so that rules out Ravenclaw and Slytherin." Lily responded.
"Well, Slytherin are necessarily mean, just determined, being mean is just an added bonus of their bright personality!" Ava said sarcastically. "I've no idea what house I want to be in, I'm muggle-born, my aunt is a witch though, so that's how I know about the houses and all. My parents hate me, and the fact that I'm a witch. They only let me come to get me out of the way." Lily felt bad for her, it would be scary being muggle-born and coming to a school you know nothing about.

A girl opened their compartment door. She had blonde bleach blonde hair, and Lily recognised her straight away, Alexa Malfoy. She walked in and sat down, Ava and Lily gave each other a look.
"Alexa Mafloy." She stuck out her hand to Lily. Lily shook it. "Well, you are?"
"Lily Potter, and um, this is Ava Bunn." She said
"Cool, want some snacks?" Asked Alexa. She pulled out a box of every flavoured beans, and some chocolate frogs.
"Dad bought then for me." She handed the chocolate frog out to Ava and Lily.
"Wow, thanks!" Said Ava. The trolley lady came up to their compartment.
"Anything from the trolley, dears?" Asked the trolley lady. Then she remembered who Lily and Alexa were.
"Nope, never mind. Not selling anything to the Potters, or the Malfoys." The lady walked away. Ava looked at them, curiously,
"What was that all about?" Asked Ava.
"Oh, well our brothers are friends, and they, well, they jumped off the train." Said Lily. "She's not very pleased with them, quite ashamed of herself, taking it out on us of course."

Soon enough the train arrived at Hogwarts. Everyone got off the train, and there was a huge, hairy figure with a long beard standing on the platform.
"First years, this way. FIRST YEARS!" Said the voice of the ginormous figure.
"Hagrid!" Said Lily, running up to him. "I was wondering when I would see you." The Potter's knew Rubeus Hagrid, the game keeper of Hogwarts very well, he was a close friend of theirs. He came around for a visit often.
"Lily! Good ter see yeh! Come this way Lil, bring yer friends as well. Just wai' over there. First years, first years! All of yeh, come 'ere!"

The first years got to ride by small boats to the school. There were three to a boat, so Lily went with Ava and Alexa.
"Where are the paddles?" Asked Ava.
"What are paddles?!" Alexa was staring at Ava, confused.
"Paddles are things muggles' use to push their boats." Said a boy, from the boat next to them. "But of course these ones push themselves." Ava gasped. Sure enough, the boat was pushing itself. Then, Lily saw that everyone was looking up, wide-eyed. Ahead, there was a beautiful castle, lighted up by the lights on the insidem through the windows.
"There yer go! 'ogwarts, init beau'iful?" Hagrid was smiling up at the castle.

Lily Luna PotterWhere stories live. Discover now