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The journey to King's Cross station was definitely not the most enjoyable. The muggle trains were crowded, and people were ever so mean. Lily was being pushed around a lot, people had no respect.
"Rude to be carrying around a trolley on a ruddy train." Muttered a plump man, who looked as though his waist had to be about 10 metres around. People stared around, at a large group of poorly dressed people carrying huge trunks and caged cats and owls on trolleys, it was quite embarrassing to Lily. Once they had finally arrived at King's Cross, it started to snow, and Lily hardly had any warm muggle clothes.
"Oh mum! Do let me put my robes on! It's freezing!" Said Lily, angrily.
"But people will stare, Lily. This is full of muggles." Said Ginny, again explaining this to her daughter.
"But they are already starring!"
"No!" Said Ginny angrily.
They ran through the barrier between 9 3/4 and finally said their goodbyes and boarded the warm Hogwarts Express.
Lily searched for a free compartment, but there were none, so she decided to sit with a group of second year Gryffindors that she had seen around the common room before.
"Oh hi! You're Lily Potter, aren't you?" Said an Asian girl, excitedly.
"Yeah, I am. I-" Lily was cut off by a boy.
"What on earth do you want?!" He asked. Lily didn't recognise him, than noticed that he was already in his robes, which had dark green lining, meaning he was in Slytherin.
"Uh... no it doesn't matter... I'll... er.... go somewhere else then..."
Lily walked off, then heard a voice from behind her.
"Lily! Don't you know who that is?!" Lily turned around to see Rose. "That's Julian Worraby. He is the little brother of the Slytherin Quidditch captain, that horrible...." Rose trailed off, and had a conserned look on her face. Lily didn't blame her, because right behind them had come the Slytherin Quidditch captian.
"Well well well. Filthy little half-blood with a filthy Mudblood mother. Couldn't bare to look at her-"
"Well at least we actually groom ourselves and look decent. Unlike someone. Look at those teeth!" Said Rose, turning to Lily who was trying hard not to laugh.
"Something funny Potter? Because if there is, I will personally hurt you!"
"Oi! Leave them alone!" Shouted James, who stormed up to them. "Don't insult my little sister"
Suddenly Neville Longbottom appeared.
"What's going on here? Come on, come on James, out the wand away." He said, sternly.
"Professor" said Lily, tentatively. "It was not James's fault, he was trying to protect me. Look" Lily pointed to the Slytherin, who also had his wand out.
"Russell, James. In here, now!" He said, pointing at the cabin he just came out of. Rose disappeared, and left Lily alone, trying to find Zara. She was no where to be seen.
Lily entered a compartment with a Gryffindor boy who was in Lily's class. She didn't know him very well, he seemed nice though.
"Hi, Jason. Mind if I sit down?" She asked. "Everywhere else is full."
"Yeah sure. Where's Zara?"
"Dunno, I was just about to ask you." Said Lily. "The trains already left, maybe she was late... or... I don't know."
They chatted for a while, and Lily realised Jason was really a very good person to be around.

Lily Luna PotterWhere stories live. Discover now