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"The Scamander's are missing!" Lily heard a girl reading the daily prophet say at breakfast the next morning. "All of them!"
Lily looked down at her copy, and sure enough on the front page was a picture of Zara and her family, with Missing headline. Lily was lost for words, motionless in shock. Who would want the Scamanders? What had happened to them? Where were they? Why?
The next few weeks felt more like a year. It was absolutely miserable, Lily missed Zara so much be she barely had time to think about her best friend, because of all the homework the teachers are setting them, and Quidditch Practice.
"Lily!" Said Rose, sitting down next to Lily at breakfast a Monday morning. "A Slytherin chaser has been expelled for something or other.... but guess what? Guess who's replaced him? Julian Worroby! That second year boy who was mean to you! They're gonna be like double trouble. Together they are complete bullies!"
"Don't worry, Rose. I won't let them get to me." Said Lily. Rose opened her mouth, but before any noise could come out, a tall girl came out of nowhere.
"Lily Potter?" She asked, Lily nodded. "This is from Professor McGonagall" she handed a piece of rolled up parchment to Lily, who thanked her and started unrolling it:

I was thinking our appointments could start Saturday night, at eight o' clock.
I have informed James and Albus of this too. Please bring your wand.
P.s. Lately I have been introduced to Freddo Frogs, a muggle lolly.

Freddo frogs? Lily walked to Potions, wondering what on earth the Headmistress meant. Lily entered the dungeon and saw that the only spare seat was next to Jason, except on the same table was Julian. Great lily thought.
"Hey Jason" said Lily, laying down her books on the table. Julian sniggered to one of his mates. Lily squinted and gave him the cold shoulder, which made him silent.
"Ok class." Said Professor Slughorn, waving his hand absentmindedly. "Today we are going to be attempting the fire-breathing potion. Hah! Now I don't expect you to get it right, of course!"
Lily pulled her book out of Beginner's Potion making and started looking in the index.
"Lily, Lily. My dear girl. Always ahead, get that from grandmother and your father, that's where it's from. All in the blood, isn't it? But today we are learning from the second year book, not the first year one. I have lots of spare copies up the front for everyone to borrow."
Once they had gotten their books, they all started their potions.
"Now, Lily m'girl. I'm hosting a party, with a few special people, your brothers included. I would be delighted if you could come! It's just tonight, in my office at 6." Said Slughorn, as he was coming around.
"I'd be honoured, Professor!" Said Lily, kindly.
"Professor!" Said Julian, looking jealous. "May I come? I'm really a talent potion maker!" Slughorn looked down at his slop like potion.
"Now Julian, don't get too jealous. And besides, you'll be with your friends." Said Slughorn, walking off.
Lily was struggling quite a lot with this potion, but she thought she did ok. When Slughorn came around to check, he was truely marvelled.
"Lily Potter! How extraordinary!" He said "you've got it absolutely perfect first try! 20 points to Gryffindor!"
The gryffindors cheered, and Julian rolled his eyes.
"Honestly, if he'd just looked at mine on a better angle, I would've been top." Lily heard him mumble to his friend, who just nodded, looking scared to disagree.
"Sure about that, are you Worroby?" Lily asked, raising her eye-brows.
"As a matter of fact, I am. You're just favoured because you're a Potter." Said Julian abruptly, looking startled to be overheard.
"Because I actually try." Murmured Lily. But a second after that, the bell had rang and Julian walked straight into Lily.
"Watch where you're going, Potter." Smirked Julian. Some of Slytherin girls laughed, flirtingly and followed him.
"Hey." Said a girl Lily had seen around in classes. She was in Slytherin, but seemed quite nice. "Look, I know that your friend's been taken. I know we don't have all classes together, but maybe you could hang out my me and my friends? At breaks and all, but it's really up to you? I'm Chelsea by the way."

Lily walked to where Chelsea and her friends hung out at lunch, but saw something interesting on her way. It was James, holding hands with a girl.
"James!" Lily said, laughing and running up to him. "Since when have you got a girlfriend?"
"Oh... uh" said James, looking awkward. "Well... Lily, this is Maria. Maria, this is my sister, Lily"
"Hi.. I'm Maria Nott, Hufflepuff." Said Maria, smiling. "Cute cat."
"Oh... thanks" said Lily, tightening her grip on Angel. Then she ran off, not knowing what else to say.

"Hey Lily!" Said Chelsea, as a Lily sat down. "This is Aiden, he's a hufflepuff. This is Mia and Jack, They're Ravenclaw. And this is Bree, also a Slytherin. But don't worry, we arent like those other stupid Slytherins."
"Um, hi" said Lily, to all of them. "I'm Lily."
"Aiden, let's go." Said Jack "we don't want to be around the famous Lily Potter." And they both ran off.
"They're a bit temperamental." Said Bree, to Lily. "We only let them hang out with us because they have no other friends."
Suddenly, Professor McGonagall's voice echoed loadly over the grounds.
"Could all students please go to their house's immediately. Except for James, Albus and Lily Potter. Come to my office now. All house leaders do the attendance, quick!"
Everyone ran and screamed.
"What happened?!" Said Mia, looking worried.
"I don't know, we better do what we're told." Said Bree.
"Yeah, they sound worried." Said Chelsea. "But why the Potters?"
"It's probably death eaters, wanting revenge." Said Lily, sounding scared.
"Death Eaters?" Said Chelsea, confused.
"Voldemort's followers, some are still around, undercover." Said Mia.
And they all ran to their houses, except Lily, who went to the Head Mistress' office. McGonagall, James and Albus were standing out the front, waiting for her.
"Lily!" Said James, grabbing his sister's hand. "I got so worried. Apparently there are death eaters trying to get in."
McGonagall turned to the gargoyle and said "Freddo Frogs" and it opened.
Once they were safely in, McGonagall turned and said
"Now, I apologise for all the commotion. I need to teach you some spells. It can't wait. First one, James you will probably know. It is the disarming charm, meaning it will cast the victims wand out of their hand. The incantation is Expeliamus" said McGonagall. Suddenly, a suit of armour appeared, with a wand in its hand. "James, if you would demonstrate"
"Expeliamus!" Yelled James, and the wand flew out of his opponents hand, and James caught it.

After a long session of hard practicing and mastering of Expeliamus, and Protego, McGongall escorted them to their houses.
"Bye Albus." Said Lily, as she and James walked through the portrait hole. Everyone was still in the common room, even though it was very late. They were all sitting quietly. It looked like Professor Longbottom was saying something, he's the head of house.
"Ah, James, Lily. I was just saying how everyone should be extremely careful. So, we are all going to be staying in the common rooms and dormitories at all time, except for meals, which I will escort you to. Classes will be cancelled. Dangerous times we are living in." Said Professor Longbottom.
"Professor" Said Rose, putting her hand up. "What about our OWLs?"
"Ah, just like your mother, Rose. OWLs will be post-phoned until further notice." He replied. Rose looked like the could cry.
"What about Quidditch?!" Asked James, worried.
"Again, cancelled. Sorry, Potter." Said Neville. "So will all of Slughorns parties, everything."

The next few weeks were the gloomiest of all. There had been several death eater attacks near Hogwarts. It was almost time to go home. They had connected the flu network to Hogwarts, so people could get home safely.
"We're going to Longbottom's office, it's not far now." Said James, as they walked with their trunks and animals.
"Look at Angel! She's shivering, and we aren't even outside. Poor thing." Said Lily. James flicked his wand and a coat appeared on Angel.

"Come in!" Said Professor Longbottom, as they knocked on the door of his office. "Good to see you. Have a good holidays."

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