The Sorting

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The students walked through the great hall, everyone clapping and cheering. Lily saw her brother James on the gryffindor table, and waved to him. He smiled and waved back, and so did his friends, who Lily hadn't ever seen before. Ahead of the group of first years, there was a tall witch, whom Lily recognised as the Head Mistress, Professor McGonagall, she was standing next to a chair with a funny-looking hat on it.
"Wait" whispered Ava, as they walked. "Does that had have a face?" Lily and Alexa chuckled.
"Yes, it's the sorting hat! It sorts us into our houses." Answered Alexa, this made Ava gasp, then laughed, muttering to herself.
There were several names called before by McGonagall, before there were any that Lily recognised.
"Bunn, Ava!" Called the Head Mistress. Nervous, Ava walked up towards her, and sat on the chair.
"Hmm, tricky, tricky." Muttered the sorting hat. "Better be... HUFFLEPUFF!" There was a huge cheer coming from the hufflepuff table, as Ava ran down to join her peers. After lots more, McGonagall called:
"Granger-Weasley, Hugo!" Called McGonagall. Lily's cousin sat on the chair. The hat had barely touched his head, when it shouted:
"Huh! Another Weasley!" The sorting hat muttered to itself about how many Weasley's there are.
"GRYFFINDOR!" Hugo was delighted at himself. Rose stood up and screamed, cheering at her brother. She was so very proud.
After a few more, Lily heard:
"Malfoy, Alexa!" Alexa walked, no, she swaggered her way to the chair. The hat was placed on her head and that hat yelled, straight away:
"HUFFLEPUFF!" There was a lot of confusion, everyone muttering "a Malfoy, in Slytherin? No way!" Alexa looking pretty confused, but also happy as she walked over and sat next to Ava.
"Potter, Lily!" Called McGonagall, smiling. There was a lot of muttering. Lily turned around and sat on the chair. So many people, she thought. It suddenly went silent as the hat was place on her head.
"POTTER! POTTER! POTTER, what are we going to do with you, eh?" Asked the hat. Lily was shaking, vigorously. The hat gave her quite a fright, yelling out Potter so suddenly.
"Now now, let's see....GRYFFINDOR!" Oh phew, Lily was so happy, as there was a huge cheer from the gryffindor table. She was sad that she wasn't with Ava and Alexa, but at least she was with James, and all the other great Gryffindors.

Once the sorting had finished, food appeared on the table. The chattering started immediately. There was a pretty girl with pale blonde hair and silvery eyes sitting next to Lily, who had been sorted after Lily.
"Hi... um, I'm Lily by the way. I was just wondering, could you please  pass me the water?" Asked Lily, politely.
"Yeah sure." Said the girl, who passed her the jug of water. "I'm Zara Scamander." She had a dreamy voice.
Lily had the strangest feeling we had met this girl before, but she couldn't pin point it.
"I suspect the rackspurts have been messing with my brain." Whispered Zara, to Lily, who had never heard of rackspurts before. "I feel like we've met before." Continued Zara. "What's your last name?"
"Potter, but..."
"Potter! My mummy was a good friend of Harry and Ginny Potter! They went to school together, you see."
"What's your mum's name?"
"Luna Lovegood." Answer Zara.
"Luna! I remember once we went out for dinner together, you and your two brothers and your parents." Lily said, remembering their strange family from a few years ago.

After the feast, they all had to go to their common rooms.
"Gryffindors this way please! Keep up now! This way to Gryffindor tower!" Yelled Rose, who was one of the Gryffindor prefects. They walked up to the stairs and stopped at a portrait of a fat lady.
"Ping pong" Said Rose, to the portrait. They entered the common room. There were gasps of excitement as everyone looked around at the scarlet walls, the gold couches, the desks. Every thing was Scarlett and gold, the Gryffindor colours.

That's night, Lily sat at the desk, writing to her parents.

Dear Mum and Dad,
I'm in Gryffindor, so is Hugo, we are both so happy! I made some friends: Ava Bunn (muggle-born) and Alexa Malfoy, but they were both placed in hufflepuff, no wonder they are so nice! I also met this other girl at the Gryffindor table, Zara Scamander. She's Luna Lovegoods daughter, just as unusual, though very lovely. I'm really loving Hogwarts so much! I met Hagrid, and McGonagall! Everyone is so nice. Hope everything is good at work and home! Love you and miss you,
Lily walked towards the door, but remember she couldn't post it now. They weren't allowed out of their common rooms after dark. James walked into the common room.
"Lil! Good job on getting in Gryffindor!" He said, as he patted his sister on the back. Lily stood on her tip toes and whispered in his ear.
"Please can I borrow your invisibility cloak, James, please?"
"That's my sis! Turning into a bad girl, I see." He laughed.
"No, James. I wrote a letter and I want to send it! Please James!" Begged Lily.
"Fine, but I'll come. Don't want you loosing your way." James said. Lily sighed and nodded.
"Wait! Go get your cloak!" James ran upstairs, to his dormitory. There was hardly wnyome in the common room, most people like having parties in their dormitories on their first night. It was 8:00, so it was dark, but not super dark. James came back, with a silvery cloak in his hand. Then he looked around, and slid the cloak over them. They walked and walked, until they got to the door of the owlery. James pulled her away, and put his finger to his lips, then to his ears, signalling her to be quite and listen. They heard voices.
"How are we supposed to get back to the common room without getting caught? Oh we are so dead!" It was Albus's voice.
"And on the first night! Why on earth did I agree to come with you?!" This was a voice Lily also recognised as Scorpius's.
James and Lily walked into the owlery, and removed the cloak.
"Albus! We heard your voice, and, and... why did you come here?" Asked Lily.
"Albus wanted to post a stupid letter, and was too chicken to come on his own." Whined Scorpius, then let out a groan as he got elbowed by Albus. They all went silent and quickly slid the cloak over them and ducked, so it would fit as they heard footsteps down the hall. McGonagall opened the door, and stood there.
"Reveal yourselves. I know all the tricks there are James. James laughed and took the cloak off.
"Why are you all out here? Lily? It's your first night here! And I do hope it's not your last.
"Professor, I just wanted to post a letter, to my parents! Telling them I was in Gryffindor!" Lily started to sob, and. McGonagall realised she might have gone a bit too hard.
"Ok ok, we'll post it then!" She said, firmly as she saw the letter in Lily's hand. Lily did so.
"I went with her, she was using my cloak, Professor." James wasn't at all worried, he was a troublemaker, so used to this sort of mishap.
"You know it is wrong to wonder after hours, James, and as do you Scorpius and Albus. What were you doing, anyway?"
"Well, Albus decided it would be exciting to wonder at night, and used posting a letter and an excuse." James said.
"James, that is unnecessary, do give your brother a break." James looked stunned at McGonagall, who raised her eyebrows.
"No, I was posting a letter, we were just planning how to get back to the Slytherin common room, when these guys came!" Albus said.
"Yeah, no harm done, Professor." Echoed James.
"Fine, just because it is the first night. Don't think there won't be serious punishments if you do this again. Lily, what are you doing?" Asked the Head Mistress. Lily was obviously struggling to give the letter to the owl. She kept putting it in the owls beak but the owl kept spitting it out.
"Lily, that owl belongs to a student. Use a school one." McGonagall looked outraged that she had tried to steal someone else's owls.
"Oh sorry, Professor." Lily ran off to another owl, who swooped out the window with her letter.

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