Quidditch try-outs

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Lily stood on the Quidditch Pitch with a few people standing next to her, and 5 people standing yo the front, among them was James and Rose.
"Ok so, I'm James Potter, the Gryffindor Quidditch captain. We are looking for 2 chasers to join the team. As you know, there are 3 chasers, so Rose, my cousin is the other. I'm the Seeker, Zayn is the keeper, and the beaters are Xavier, and Alice. Now, we will be doing playing a half court game, rotating you lot on and off. I'll be sitting out, watching you play. Is that clear?" Said James. Everyone nodded. "Good. Now, there are 4 of you, so 2 people won't have a place. I will not be favouring anyone, the decision is up to me, but I'll be discussing it with these guys, and will base the decision on skill."
Lily was up first, along with a third year boy. James realised the quaffle and blew the whistle, signalling that the games had started. Lily dived through the air on her broom and grabbed the quaffle, passing it to Rose. Rose passed it at the boy, but he got hit by a bludger and dropped it, leaving the ball in mid-air. Lily grabbed it and had a shot for goal, in a side ring. Zayn, the keeper dived for it, but missed, so it went in. Rose screamed in excitement, cheering. She sat up on her broom not holding on, waving her arms in the air. Lily felt nervous that she would fall off, but she didn't. James blew his whistle.
"Ok, next 2!" Called James.
After a few hours of rotating on and off, she felt pretty confident, but not certain. She walked off to the common room.
"Did you get in, Lily?" Asked Jane, a girl who shared her dormitory.
"We find out tomorrow!" Said Lily, excitedly. Suddenly Rose came into the common room, and hugged Lily so tightly she could barely breathe.
"You were way better than the others, truely! You are definitely getting in!" Said Rose, releasing her.
Alice, 5th year (like Rose) with brown hair and broad shoulder came up to her. Lily recognised her from platform 9 3/4, she was in Rose's gang.
"Great job Lily! You did really well, everyone was impressed, and for a first year! I mean, I was too scared to even pick up a broomstick when I was in my first year." Alice smiled and walked away, with Rose. Soon most of the girls in Lily's dormitory were crowding around her, asking her questions and stating encouraging remarks. Lily felt strange, but she didn't know why. Something was missing... then, she got it!
"Hey, where's Zara?" Asked Lily.
"Dunno, not in the dorm, we thought she was with you. But she might be in the great hall, studying." Said Jane, looking confused.
"Yeah, but she hardly ever goes there when it's not meal time. She does most of her studying in the common room." Said Lily, shrugging. She ran out the trap door and down the circling staircase in Gryffindor tower, until she reached the great hall. The doors were locked and closed. She thought, the teachers either didn't want them going in, or maybe Zara was trapped inside. But, there was only one was to find out. Lily pulled her wand out and whispered
"Alohomora" the doors opened, and she quickly shut it after her. It was empty. Nothing. She walked around the big house tables and muttered to herself. Something caught her eye. It was a note. Lily picked up the nite and read it:

If you want your silly little friend, you'd better come to the forbidden forest. Hurry, wouldn't want anything bad happening to her, oh no...
From the Pure-Blooded Snake.

Lily read the note over and over again. Who was the Pure-Blooded Snake? And what had they done with Zara? Lily looked around, for more clues. There were footsteps, muddy footsteps leading to an open window. She followed them, out the window, but they disappeared as soon as she got onto the grass. She ran to Hagrid's Hut. She needed someone who knew their way around the forest, and quick.
"Hagrid! Hagrid!" She thumped on the door. From inside, she heard Hagrid yell:
"I'm in no fit state to entertain today!" Said Hagrid, peaking out the window.
"Hagrid, please!" Once Hagrid saw the tears in Lily's eyes, he opened the door. The inside of his hut was green, with the Slytherin sign painting above the fire-place.
"Hagrid? I thought you were in Gryffindor?!" Asked Lily.
"Well, yer. Woke up an' it was like this! Also got a letter, from the 'Pure-Blooded Snake.' Says to come to the forest to collect fang. I was just on me way ou' actually." He said.
"Same! Zara's gone missing and I got a letter the same. Let's go!"

Lily Luna PotterWhere stories live. Discover now