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The next morning, Lily woke up to a bunch of thoughts: Who made the Quidditch Team? Where was Zara? How was Zara? Lily got ready, and went out in the common room. There was a sheet stuck onto the wall:

Seaker: James Potter
Keeper: Zayn Jacobs
Chasers: Rose Granger-Weasley, Matt Stevens, Lily Potter
Beaters: Xavier Davies, Alice Wilson

Lily was so happy she could kiss someone. She ran down to the hospital wing to see Zara.
"And what do you think you're doing? Strutting around like you own the place! Dear me." Madame Pomfrey muttered to herself.
"Oh, sorry I was just wanting to see my friend, Zara." Lily responded, coolly.
"Well, as you can see" Said Madame Pomfrey, "Zara already has a guest. But you can join her for a short period, go on, hurry up!" Lily ran to Zara's bed. A women that looked like an older version of Zara was sitting there, next to her.
"Luna, hi!" Said Lily.
"Hello, I do believe you are Lily Potter, Harry and Ginny's daughter." Lily nodded, she was very fond of Luna, even if they had only met once. After all, she was named after Luna.
"Lovely people, I went to school with them, you know" said Luna's dreamy voice. Luna looked up at a portrait on the wall, and an old looking wizard with a long, white beard appeared, smiling. "Oh, hello Dumbledore" the wizard nodded at her, friendly.
"Wait, are you Dumbledore? Albus Dumbledore. Blimey! My dad talks about you all the time! And my brother, Albus, he's named after you. Wow! I didn't know you had a portrait here!" Lily was so astonished to meet Dumbledore!
"Ah yes, Lily Potter, are you?" Lily nodded and smiled. "Good to meet you, I best be off!" Said Dumbledore, and he disappeared. Lily looked down at Zara, handing her the pile of books she had been carrying.
"Here's your homework!" Lily said, grinning.
Lily was walking but to Gryffindor tower, when she saw Scorpius, walking away from her with Rose. With Rose? Then she looked down, and saw that they were holding hands. Lily giggled histerically. Rose's robes were torn off her, onto the ground, and the end of her skirt was bobbing up and down, exposing her. Lily turned around to see Albus muttering spells to embarrass them even more.
"Al!" Lily said, trying to control her giggling.
"Shush Lily! You're gonna give me away!" Said Albus, and sure enough, Scorpius and Rose were storming up to him.
"You loathsome, idiotic jerk!" Said Rose pointing her wand at him. He was trying very hard not to smile, which made Scorpius explode with laughter. Rose glared at him.
"You think it's funny? You two, you think this is some joke? Just because I'm a girl?" Rose stormed off and stopped, abruptly, calling behind her:
"10 points from Slytherin!"
Albus gasped.
"What? She can't do that!"
"She can" said Scorpius, sadly "she's a prefect!"

Lily Luna PotterWhere stories live. Discover now