The Burrow

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They cold was really starting to get to people. Lily had been at the Burrow for more than a week now, and she couldn't wait to get back to school. Everyone was fighting, and debating. It was extremely crowde, but Lily was used to it, seeing as this happened every Christmas break.
"Freddie, Roxanne, stop fighting" Called Angelina, from another room.
"But Fred is making fun of me" Screamed Roxanne, who was a year younger than Lily, and was really, very annoying in Lily's opinion.
"Well I wouldn't be making fun of you if you weren't annoying me every minute of everyday!!" Fought back Fred.
"Fred, Rox. Stop it! Listen to your mother." Said George sternly. "Now, Rox come and annoy me. Let's play some Exploding Snap, you're much better than me!"
Molly and Lucy (Percy and Audrey's girls) were sharing a room with Lily and Rose, and were all getting on pretty well together. They all agreed that they boys were very noisy and loud.
"Now, Molly and Lucy. I'm glad you're not like that." Percy said, with a proud look on his face. "You two are very well mannered. Just like your mother and I taught you. And Molly, next year you will surely get Head Girl, following the footsteps of your father!"
"What? You were Head Girl?" Said Ron.
"Oh, shut up Ronald!" Said Hermione, disapprovingly.
"Head Girl? Percy, what a Stunning Head girl you are!" Said Harry, chuckling to himself.
"Boys" Muttered Ginny, rolling her eyes,
"I couldn't agree more, Mum" Said Lily.
"Where are Bill, Fleur, Victoire, Dominique and Louis, anyway?" Asked Ron, to Molly (his mum, not Percy's kid).
"They went to France. Louis is the only one still in school, and he's finishing this year." Said Molly. "I honestly don't know what's so special about France.
"Mum. They want to see their family, you can't blame them! Anyway, Fleur has really grown on me over the years." Said Ginny.
"Yeah, remember when you used to call her Phlegm?" Said Harry, smiling.
"Mum!" Said Lily, trying not to laugh.
"Well Ron fancied her, he still does I reckon." Said Ginny.
"Well she's a Veela. You can't blame me, can you?" Said Ron.
Hermione crossed her arms, but Ginny just smiled.
"Well Harry doesn't fancy her, do you love?"
"Nope, never."

Christmas came, and it was a snowy, windy, horrible day. Lily was wearing her newly knitted white jumper, with a big, pink 'L' on it.
"Happy Christmas!" Everyone said, and people handed out their presents around. Lily got lots of chocolate frogs from her Auntie's and Uncles, and she even got a Harry Potter card. From her parents, she got brand new Nimbus 2018, which was really fast. From her grandparents she got the jumper, and some liquorice wands. Soon, a very exhausted looking eagle crashed into the window.
"What the...?" Asked Hugo.
"Must be from Zara. Her family use a different type of bird every time! It's a wonder they know where to find me." Said Lily, opening the package the eagle had delivered.
"Sounds like Luna." Groaned George.
"Yeah, guess who Zara's mum is?" Said Harry.
"Oh, right."
"Oh look, she's gotten me some Jelly Slugs and Acid Pops, yum!" Said Lily, returning the eagle with her gift for Zara.
"Look at the letter Lily." Said Lucy, who was a year above Lily.
Lily opened it, which read:

Dear Lily,
I hope you have the most intriguing Christmas ever. I've been looking at rackspurts, through Mummy's glasses.
They are quite fascinating, you know. Anyway, Daddy's been teaching me how to fly a broom, it's definitely not for me. I've been thinking: it would be nice if we had more friends. Ava and Alexa were quite hurtful towards us, but that's ok. The best way to get over it is to definitely move forward with better people who won't be rude to us.
Can't wait to see you soon!

After reading this, Lily felt strangely happy. Her best friends support and love was everything.

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