Gryffindor vs Slytherin

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The weeks became months, as friends became best friends. Lily and Zara grew really close, with everything going on. Ava and Alexa had decided they wanted their friendship group to be Hufflepuffs only, so Lily and Zara decided for it to just be themselves. Everyone was chatting excitedly, as they headed to the first Quidditch match of the year, Gryffindor against Slytherin. Lily walked into the change rooms, to find everyone already there.
"Lily, what kept you?!" Asked James, hurriedly.
"Oh, um..."
"Lily, Matt we should tell you." Said Zayn. "James has this longggg speech before every game, so brace yourself!" The whole team groaned.
"Dude chill, it only goes for... about... maybe half an hour?"
"Only?! Come on, James, do us a favour." Said Rose. James just rolled his eyes.
Mid way through James's speech, Lily realised - no matter how hard she tried - she couldn't make sense of what he was saying. She started thinking about all the people on the Slytherin team, Albus, and the captain. She wasn't sure of his name, but she knew he was not someone to mess with. He was one of the beaters, and a very muscular guy, also VERY competitive.
"Ok! Is everyone ready?" Said James, excitedly.
"Wow, is it over already? That was quick!" Said Alice, sarcastically. The team walked out and boarded their brooms, and flew up to their positions, there was a big cheer when they came out. Lily saw signs people were holding, saying Go, go, Gryffindor and Go the Potters! That one was in scarlet and gold, and had a picture of three faces, moving around and smiling. James and Lily's were there, but Albus's had a big cross around it.
Lily got to borrow James's old one, a Nimbus 2010. Which was pretty decent, considering most people had older models than her.
"Let the game... BEGIN!" Madame Hooch blew her whistle, and threw the Quaffle up into the air. Lily flew to it, but a Slytherin boy got it first, Lily flew up next to him, and blocked his path.
"Yeah Lil, nice one!" Called out Rose, as she grabbed the Quaffle from the boy's hand. She sped off towards the goal posts, passing it Matt.
"And Gryffindor scores! What a terrific start there for the Lions! Us Hufflepuffs do enjoy a good loss for Slytherin!" Said Noah McCarthy, the commentator. He was friends with James, and also a joker.
"McCarthy, is the necessary?" Said McGonagall, sternly.
"Ye- No, Head Mistress, my apologies. Uh oh, do I see a Bludger speeding right towards Granger-Weasley there."
"Rose! Rose, watch out!" Yelled Lily, but it was too late, Rose was now lying on the ground, unconscious.
"TIME OUT!" Called James, and Madame Hooch blew her whistle. The Slytherins laughed, all of them, even Albus.
"James, you need to catch that Snitch before Albus!" Ordered Alice "It's the only chance we have, our only experienced chaser is out!"
"Lily, Matt, you two really need to play rough now, get that Quaffle and score hard! And Zayn, guard those posts like your life depends on it!" James was not happy at all. "Alice, Xavier, come on guys, get their keeper out! Oh, and Albus of course. Come on guys! Who are we? Gryffindor! Do we give up? No! Are we going to win? Yes!" And they were off, everyone was ready this time, there was energy in the air. The Gryffindors were really going for it this time. Lily dodged a Bludger hit by the Slytherin captain by inches, heading straight towards the parents stand. Parents were allowed to come on the first 2 games of the year. She swerved out of the way, and observed the game, looking for the Quaffle.
"That's my girl!" Said a familiar voice, from the stand.
"Mum!" Lily cried. "Dad!"
"Don't let us distract you, get that Quaffle!" Said Ginny, smiling at her daughter.
Lily dived down, trying to catch the Quaffle, which was now being passed from Slytherin to Slytherin. The whistle blew, and the game stopped.
"Looks like Potter's caught the Snitch!" Cried McCarthy.
"Which one?!" Yelled the crowd.
"Oh, right, sorry folks."

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