Chapter 2

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" What do you think about this one ?" Lana asked.

I looked at the dress she was holding. It was a cocktail dress , nude in colour and with black stones in the chest area.

" It's beautiful." I said.

She wasn't certain but she put it in her hands anyway.

" How about you try those 5 dresses and then you check something else?"

" I prefer undressing only once."

Good point.

Lana had another family wedding and she wanted to go full on glam to impress her boyfriend's family.

" I like the nude one." She said and I nodded.

" How's Coda ?" She asked as she was looking deeply for a dress that would tell her that this is the right one.

" He almost gave me a heart attack."

She looked up at me.

" He used the B-sharp and that means emergency. Although it's true we were late but still I almost fell out of bed."

She chuckled. " He's got a sense of humour."

I shook my head and smiled.

After a thousand dresses , Lana finally decided for the nude one. We found some matching heels and we went for a bite.

Lana was texting her boyfriend as we waited for the food.

I kept glancing up and down from the menu. For no particular reason really but I wasn't really sure if I should mention the encounter with the hot guy. Did I mention that I had a packet of tampons in my trolley and he grabbed it for me ? No right ?

" Do you want to tell me something ?" Lana said looking amused.

I blinked at her.

" Um-"

" Spill." She ordered.

I put the menu down and put my hand on hers.

" I had a fateful encounter , where my tampons ended up in the hands of a blue eyed angel."

Lana blinked at me.

She bit her lip trying hard not to laugh.

It was a watching contest who would burst out the first.

I couldn't handle it anymore so I burst into a fit of laughter and she joined me.

We laughed so hard that everyone was watching us amused , some people even laughed with us, totally oblivious on why or what we are laughing at.

I wiped my eyes.

" Jesus , I haven't laughed like that in ages." Lana sighed , trying not to laugh again.

I shook my head. Me neither.

We both kept in silence for a couple of minutes trying not to crack up again and when we finally calmed down, Lana looked at me.

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